Verify My Application
With Verify My Application, you will be able to:
- Complete financial aid forms on your phone, tablet, or computer
- Securely upload documents from any device
- E-sign documents – both you and your parents!
- Manage your financial aid tasks online
- Receive automated reminders about outstanding tasks and document review
How will I know if I have requirements to complete with Verify My Application?
You will receive a Financial Aid Requirements email notification (sent to your college Zonemail), with instructions to log in to CLASS-Web to review and complete your unsatisfied financial aid requirements.
If you have a Verify My Application unsatisfied requirement, you will need to complete the verification tasks that need to be completed through the Verify My Application process. You will need to sign on and register your account in order to review and complete your online verification tasks. Upon account registration, you will begin to receive automated reminders (via Zonemail) about your outstanding tasks and/or the review status of your submitted verification documents
See Instructions for Sign-On and Account Registration.
1. Click on the Verify My Application requirement located in CLASS-Web, under your Financial Aid Student Requirements:
2. You will be directed to a sign-on page (sign-on using your student W number and CLASS-Web 6-digit PIN):
3. You will be required to register your account. You will only have to do this one time. Once registered, you can access Verify My Application anytime via CLASS-Web:
Helpful Tip:
You can only use your Chabot email address as your Preferred Email.
If you need help finding your zone email address, click here for instructions.
You will be opted in to receive SMS text messages from the Financial Aid Office if you provide a cell phone number.
The Student Tasks page lists the items the Financial Aid Office needs you to complete for the verification process.
Click on each arrow to review and complete your tasks.
(screenshots shown are examples used for instructional purposes only)

Some tasks will require you to fill out information, while others may ask you to upload documents (such as a tax return transcript). You may even be instructed to log back into your financial aid application to make necessary corrections.

CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON (at the bottom of the task page) to submit your completed tasks to the Financial Aid Office.
- The message at the top of your tasks page will update to show the current status of your file.
- Through Zonemail, you will receive 1) Reminder Notifications, 2) Account Creation Notifications, and 3) File and Document Review Notifications from The email could go to your junk or spam folder - check your zonemail for notifications from and add this sender to your contact list.
With Verify My Application, you have the ability to electronically sign (e-sign) your Financial Aid documents, instead of having to print them out and sign them.
Create a PIN
The first time you use E-Sign, you will be required to Create a PIN and Accept Terms & Conditions.
Create a 5-digit PIN
Accept Terms and Conditions
Once the form has been correctly filled out enter your pin in the e-Sign box and then select the e-sign button.
- You have the option to opt out of E-Sign. Doing so will require you to print the form, sign and upload it back into the system. Once you opt out of e-sign, the E-Sign button changes to a download button.
- If you need to make any changes to a document before signing, you can do so by selecting
the section links on the left side of the screen (you cannot make changes while in
the Review & Sign screen).
- If you have forgotten your e-sign pin, you can reset it by selecting the Forgot my E-Sign PIN link above the e-sign box on the review and sign screen of the web form.
With Verify My Application, you AND your parent both have the ability to electronically sign (e-sign) your Financial Aid documents, instead of having to print them out and sign them.
Note: Student and parent both have to use E-Sign OR they both have to upload a signed hardcopy of a document (the student cannot choose one option and the parent another.)
Student Signature
Create a PIN
The first time you use E-Sign, you will be required to Create a PIN and Accept Terms & Conditions.
Create a 5-digit PIN
Accept Terms and Conditions
- You have the option to opt out of E-Sign. Doing so will require you to print the form, sign and upload it back into the system. Once you opt out of e-sign, the E-Sign button changes to a download button.
- If you need to make any changes to a document before signing, you can do so by selecting
the section links on the left side of the screen (you cannot make changes while in
the Review & Sign screen).
- If you have forgotten your e-sign pin, you can reset it by selecting the Forgot my E-Sign PIN link above the e-sign box on the review and sign screen of the web form.
Parent’s Signature
After you (the student) E-sign, you will be presented with a step to request your parent’s signature.
Select the parent that you want to send an email request to review and sign your completed documents.
Helpful Tips:
- Only the parent that you send the request to, will be able to create an account and E-Sign documents.
- The parent you select must have passed the SSN match on your FAFSA, or you won’t be able to send that parent a request.
- If neither parent passed the SSN match, you will not be able to use E-Sign.
- The parent’s email address cannot match the student’s.
Once your request is sent, your parent will receive an email containing a link to create an account.
Canceling or editing your request to your parent:
Once your request is sent to your parent, you can no longer edit your document unless you cancel the request. To cancel, select the cancel request button. If you need to edit your request, select the edit request button. Please Note: If you cancel the request, your parent will not be able to create an account or be able to see the document to e-sign until you send the request again.
See Instructions for Parent Account Creation
Parent, you should have received an email request from your student asking you to review and sign your student’s completed financial aid documents. Click on the link provided in the email so that you are taken directly to the create account screen.
Click Create Account
Enter ALL required information
Confirm Parent and Student Information

After you create an account, you will have the opportunity to preview and sign the document.
See instructions for Parent E-Sign
Helpful Tips for Parents:
- If you do not have a Social Security Number (SSN), you can use all zeros to create a parent account.
- If you have more than one student attending Chabot, and already have an existing account, you will have a single account for multiple children at Chabot College.
- You cannot create an account or view documents for e-signature until the student emails the e-signature request to you.
Parent, after you have created a parent account and logged in, you will have the opportunity to preview the document in the Parent E-Signature portal:
Select the Preview button
E-Sign Password:
If everything looks correct, you can enter your password (created during account creation) into the e-sign password box and select the e-sign button.
You will receive a success message once the e-signature is applied. Your student will receive an email and/or text message after you e-sign the document.
Form Not Approved:
Only click this button if you do not approve of the information on the form. This will let your student know there are corrections needed. Your student will have to edit the form and resend for parent signature.
Opt Out of E-Sign:
Only click this button if you do not want to e-sign the document. If you opt out of e-sign, your student must also opt out of e-sign, and will have to follow opt out of e-sign steps.