Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program (DSIG)


The Dreamers Service Incentive Grant (DSIG), is a financial aid program designed to support undocumented students, also known as Dreamers, in achieving their educational goals at our college. This program encourages California Dream Act Application (CADAA) students who have received a Cal Grant A award (and meet Cal Grant B eligibility) or a Cal Grant B award to engage in community service or volunteer work. The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) awards up to $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester) to eligible students. The grant is available for up to 8 semesters while the student holds an active Cal Grant A or B award.


Note: Although our college operates on a semester system, if you transfer to or attend a school with a quarter-based system, this grant can be applied for up to 12 quarters, which is equivalent to 8 semesters.

Contact Us

Remi Ramos
Financial Aid Advisor II
Phone 510.723.7108
Email rramos@chabotcollege.edu

Diana Rueda
Dream Center Coordinator
Phone 510.723.7479
Email drueda@chabotcollege.edu

CA Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program Tri-fold Brochure


To qualify for the Dreamers Service Incentive Grant, students must meet the following criteria:
  • Must be an undocumented student meeting the requirements of AB 540 or AB 2000.
  • Have completed and sumitted your California Dream Act Application.
  • Be enrolled in at least 6 units.
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Be an active recipients of a Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B award. Cal Grant A recipients must meet Cal Grant B eligibility.
  • Complete any necessary verification for their Cal Grant A or B award.

Service Requirement

  • Eligible students are required to perform 150 hours per semester of community or volunteer service.
    • Students can complete their community/volunteer service hours here at Chabot College.

Application Process

  1. Complete the California Dream Act Application (CADAA):
    • Fill out the CADAA to determine eligibility for state financial aid programs.
    • Ensure all sections are accurately completed and submitted.
  2. Submit the DSIG Application:
    • Complete the Dreamers Incentive Service Grant application form available on the California Student Aid Commission website.
      • The application period for the new academic year opens July 1. Applications will be accepted through the end of the academic year, June 30 or until all annual awards are exhausted, whichever comes first.
    • Submit the completed form(s) to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). Email is preferred.

      a. Email: dsig@csac.ca.gov

      b. Or Mail:   California Student Aid Commission
                            Attn: CA Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program
                            P.O. Box 419027
                            Rancho Cordova, CA  95741-9026

  3. Student will be notified via email from CSAC when they are registered into the program.
  4. Student begins performing service hours. Student and/or service organizations can utilize the Service Hours Tracker to document service hours performed.   
  5. Students can request payment after performing at least 150 semester service hours until the total 300 hours are completed.

List of Service Organizations

  • Students can volunteer with any of the organization(s) on the List of Service Organizations or any organization not on the list if it meets the criteria for a qualifying community or volunteer organization.

List of Service Organizations

Dream Act Service Incentive Grant FAQs

Program Overview/Eligibility

  • DSIG encourages California Dream Act Application (CADAA) students to perform community or volunteer service. The grant will be available to students for up to 8 semesters while they have an active Cal Grant A or B award. Cal Grant A recipients must have met Cal Grant B eligibility. Students shall perform at least 150 hours per semester of community or volunteer service with a qualifying service organization. 
  • The program is limited to 1,667 participants annually. Students must meet the criteria for an eligible student, attend a qualifying institution, and perform the required service hours with a qualifying organization. 
  • The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will award up to $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester). 
To qualify for the Dreamers Incentive Service Grant, students must meet the following criteria:
  • Must be an undocumented student meeting the requirements of AB 540 or AB 2000.
  • Have completed and sumitted your California Dream Act Application.
  • Must be enrolled in at least 6 units.
  • Students must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Active recipients of a Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B award. Cal Grant A recipients must have met Cal Grant B eligibility.
  • Complete any necessary verification for their Cal Grant A or B award.
  • Need is established by taking the cost of attendance and subtracting expected family contribution (EFC)/ student aid index (SAI). If a student does not have enough need they will not qualify for the award. Students should consult with their financial aid office for information regarding their current unmet need. 
  • A student can receive DSIG for as long as they have an active Cal Grant A or B award. As a reminder, Cal Grant A recipients must have met Cal Grant B eligibility. Students can receive the grant for up to 8 semesters or 12 quarters. When a student has exhausted their Cal Grant A or B eligibility, they will also no longer be allowed to participate in DSIG. 
  • No, in order to receive the grant, a student must be enrolled at least half-time. 


Application/Community and Volunteer Service

  • Students will need to apply annually to participate in DSIG. The DSIG Grant Application and instructions can be found on the Apply webpage.  
  • Applications are available beginning July 1st and will be accepted through the end of the academic year (June 30th) or until all awards are exhausted, whichever comes first. 
  • No, DSIG eligibility is based on the corresponding Cal Grant award year. Students will need to apply annually to participate in the DSIG Program. The program is open from July 1 to June 30 and follows the annual academic year.
  • You will need to re-register and submit a new Grant Application form with validation from the new institution. 
  • Students must select one campus in charge of disbursement. Students should consult with their financial aid office for more information. 
  • Students can volunteer with any non-profit or local government entity on the List of Service Organizations. Non-profits or local government entities not on the List of Service Organizations can be added if they meet the criteria for a qualifying community or volunteer service organization.  
  • Students can also volunteer with any school on the Cal Grant Eligible Schools list on the CSAC website. On-campus community or volunteer service organizations affiliated with a Cal Grant eligible school, such as outreach, student services, and multi-cultural organizations are deemed eligible and do not require additional registration. Please note that these organizations are NOT included on the List of Service Organizations. 
  • A nonprofit as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Any federal, state, or local government entity.
  • Any school on the Cal Grant Eligible Schools list on the CSAC website
  • There is no limit to the number of organizations you can volunteer with. All organizations must meet the requirements of a qualifying service organization and be listed on the Grant Application form.  
  • No. Background checks are not required to participate in DSIG. However, some service organizations may require Live Scan or other types of background checks. 


Payment Request

  • Students can request payment after performing at least 150 hours per semester of community or volunteer service. 
  • No, a student may only request payment after completing the required number of hours. 
  • Students can request payment after performing at least 150 hours per semester of community or volunteer service. 
  • Students must submit the Payment Request form along with documentation of the service hours performed. The Payment Request form and instructions can be found on the Request Payment webpage
  • Documentation of service hours performed can be submitted on the DSIG Program Service Hours Tracker or on any other type of documentation utilized by the service organization(s) if the documentation includes the name and signature of the certifying official.  
  • No. If you have been accepted into the program and have completed the required 150 hours per semester, you can request payment as long as those hours are completed within the academic year (July 1 through June 30). 
  • Yes. DSIG payment deadline is in September following the award year. However, you must complete the required hours for DSIG (150 hours per semester) within the academic year you are accepted into the program.
  • No. You must be actively enrolled and receiving Cal Grant payments to receive a DSIG payment. This means that a Cal Grant Payment must occur for each DSIG Payment. 
  • DSIG will follow your standard Cal Grant A or B payment process. Payments will be made based on the recipient’s enrollment status using the institution’s add/drop date, financial aid census date, or its equivalent. Students should consult with their financial aid office for information on how changing enrollment status can affect their financial aid. 
  • If approved for payment, your DSIG payment will be disbursed via check and mailed to your school’s Financial Aid Office. Your check will be made out to you and in care of your school. Your Financial Aid Office will notify you once the check is available for pick up.  
  • If you are approved for payment, you and the financial aid administrator on your Payment Request will receive an email notification once your check is mailed to your school’s Financial Aid Office.
  • If your Payment Request is incomplete, you will receive an email letting you know what revisions are required. 
  • Standard processing time for Payment Requests is 4-6 weeks. This processing time includes CSAC staff validating a Payment Request, requesting the check from the California State Controller’s Office (SCO) and delivery of the checks to the institution’s financial aid office. Delays may occur due to state fiscal year end processing and/or natural disasters. 
  • For check handling, if you are accepted into the program and your Payment Request has been approved, no one, under any circumstance, is allowed to pick up your check on your behalf. Your school may require you to provide your signature to verify that you received your check.