Program and Area Review Basics

Purpose and Background to Program and Area Review

  • *Note: this section reviews the purpose and background of program and area review (PAR) at Chabot. If you are looking for information to complete this year's PAR, then go to "How to Complete Your Review"
  • The Program and Area Review Process (PAR) at Chabot is a three-year comprehensive and annual review and planning process, which is designed to support the quality and growth of the college as aligned with the Educational Master Plan and College Mission.
    • Programs & Areas (e.g., academic, service and administrative) review the effectiveness of their areas based on data.
    • Based on this analysis, programs and areas plan (and request resources) for the upcoming PAR cycle.
  • The three-year review and planning process comprises:
    • YEAR 1: Comprehensive Review and Planning Year (e.g., Fall 2024 PARs are submitted to plan for 24-25, 25-26 & 26-27)
    • YEAR 2: Annual Update (e.g., Fall 2025 PARs are submitted to update plans for 25-26 & 26-27)
    • YEAR 3: Annual Update (e.g., Fall 2026 PARs are submitted to update plans for 2026-27)
      • Each year, regardless of which "year" we are in, areas and disciplines will be asked to project their new needs and request resources for three years out. Projecting our resource needs three years out facilitiates better planning and budgeting. 
  • Reviews are the foundation for area, discipline, division, and college planning and budgeting.
    • The PAR committee develops synthesis statements based on submitted PARs to give to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC).
    • PRAC distributes the PAR synthesis statement, any additional recommendations from PRAC and the resource and personnel requests to the related shared governance committees and senates (e.g., IST, FIT, SASE, Classified Senate, Faculty Senate, etc.).
    • Funding recommendations are made by select shared governance committees, PRAC, and senates
    • Senior leadership, including the College President, base funding decisions on these recommendations.

History of Key Review Questions

Historical Resources for PAR

Historical Information on Key Initiatives