ESL Courses
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with counseling or refer to the current Class Schedule and College Catalog.
ESL 15B - Advanced ESL Reading and Composition 2
( 5.00 - Units )
ESL 15B is the second semester of a one-year advanced ESL reading and writing course that prepares students for English 1. Students do intensive reading of advanced academic texts, oral and written discussion of ideas in texts, as well as academic vocabulary development. Students write essays in response to readings by synthesizing ideas from multiple sources, developing arguments and counterarguments, and integrating evidence from readings and discussions.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Explain, support, and apply abstract concepts found in readings.
- Formulate a controlling idea to focus their writing and to support each point with adequate and varied evidence.
- Demonstrate sentence-level fluency and control of grammar.
- Organize a paper so that it is unified and coherent.
- Respond to a topic, demonstrate critical thinking, comprehension and use of text to support ideas.
ESL 15A - Advanced ESL Reading and Composition 1
( 5.00 - Units )
ESL 15A is the first semester of a one-year advanced ESL reading and writing course that prepares students for English 1. Students do active and careful reading of nonfiction texts, oral and written discussion of ideas in texts, as well as academic vocabulary development. Students write essays in response to readings by synthesizing ideas, developing arguments, and integrating evidence from readings and discussions.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Identify main ideas, supporting details, and writer’s purpose in level-appropriate readings;
- Demonstrate an understanding of level-appropriate texts through written or oral responses.
- Write clear and effective, well-organized, well-developed, and logically sound sentences, paragraphs, and essays, using textual analysis and citing sources appropriately.
ESL 16A - Advanced ESL Grammar: Mastery of Verbs
( 3.00 - Units )
Advanced grammar and editing instruction in English verbs and related structures. Students perfect their understanding and usage of all verb tenses and forms. Grammar is applied to academic reading, writing and editing tasks. Designed for students who are taking ESL 15A/B bridge sequence, but open to all students who meet the prerequisite. ESL 16A and 16B are non-sequential and can be taken in any order.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Correctly interpret the meaning of the grammatical structures taught in this course and previous ESL courses.
- Correctly use these grammatical structures in their writing.
- Identify and correct by themselves at least 70% of the errors in their own writing and that of others.
ESL 16B - Advanced ESL Grammar: Mastery of Sentence Structure
( 3.00 - Units )
Advanced grammar and editing instruction in English sentence structure. Students perfect their understanding and usage of phrases and clauses. Grammar is applied to academic reading, writing and editing tasks. Designed for students who are taking ESL 15A/B bridge sequence, but open to all students who meet the prerequisite. ESL 16A and 16B are non-sequential and can be taken in any order.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Correctly interpret the meaning of the grammatical structures taught in this course and previous ESL courses.
- Correctly use these grammatical structures in their writing.
- Identify and correct at least 70% of the errors in their own writing and that of others.
ESL 110B - Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar
( 6.00 - Units )
Logical paragraph development; reading both fiction and nonfiction; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- produce an on-topic in-class writing of at least 250 words with level-appropriate grammar and usage;
- write factually correct and easy-to-understand sentences to answer questions about a level-appropriate article;
- demonstrate correct use of grammar studied in class and in ESL 110A.
ESL 110A - Low Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar
( 6.00 - Units )
A comprehensive review of basic sentence types; short writing assignments; reading fiction and nonfiction; reinforces fluency in reading, writing, and grammar.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- produce an on-topic in-class writing of at least 200 words with level-appropriate grammar and usage
- write factually correct and easy-to-understand sentences to answer questions about an article
- demonstrate correct use of grammar studied in class
ESL 110C - High Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar
( 6.00 - Units )
Expository paragraphs and short essays; fiction and nonfiction reading; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- produce an on-topic in-class writing of at least 300 words with level-appropriate grammar and usage;
- write factually correct and easy-to-understand sentences to answer questions about a level-appropriate article;
- demonstrate correct use of grammar studied in class and in 110A and 110B
ESL 111A - Pronunciation
( 2.00 - Units )
Students will improve their English pronunciation skills through focused practice on syllables, stress, vowel and consonant formation, clarity of ending sounds, intonation and fast speech. This class is appropriate for English learners from the high beginner level through advanced.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- participate in small group discussions;
- produce common intonation patterns in English;
- articulate English phonemes.
ESL 111B - Academic Listening and Speaking
( 2.00 - Units )
This is a credit course in ESL Listening and Speaking at the High-Intermediate Level. Students will gain listening comprehension skills and oral fluency for the academic and professional environment.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- takes accurate and complete notes on academic lectures at the high intermediate level;
- gives clear and well-organized presentations on academic and/or professional topics;
- demonstrates proficiency in asking and answering relevant questions.
ESL 116A - Introduction to Review of Basic English
( 3.00 - Units )
A comprehensive review of basic sentence types; short writing assignments; reading fiction and nonfiction; reinforces fluency in reading, writing, and grammar.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Student uses simple present and continuous tenses, form affirmative statements, negative statements and questions using appropriate auxiliary verbs in simple present and present progressive tenses
- Student uses common terms in metalanguage that describes English grammar
- Student identifies the main idea and supporting examples in a reading
- Student writes a topic sentence followed by supporting ideas
- Student defines, exemplifies and recognize s the meaning of vocabulary learned in textbook readings about child development.
ESL 120 - Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers: Emphasis on Pre-writing & Paragraph Organization
( 0.50 - Units )
Individualized and group instruction in writing with emphasis on pre-writing and paragraph organization. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- plan the organization of level-appropriate paper using a prewriting method of their choice.
- use a topic sentence to organize a paragraph in their own writing.
- follow the instructions for their academic writing assignments.
- write a composition of an appropriate length and depth for their level.
- use feedback from the instructor and coaches to revise their work, so that the connections between ideas are clear and the organizational structure is easy to follow.
- use feedback from the instructor and coaches to self-edit their work for grammatical correctness in a way that makes meaning clear.
ESL 121 - Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers: Emphasis on Thesis Development and Essay Organization
( 0.50 - Units )
Individualized and group instruction in writing with emphasis on thesis development and essay organization. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- (Students at the ESL 110C level and above) write clear, defendable theses and use them to organize their writing.
- follow the instructions for their academic writing assignments.
- write a composition of an appropriate length and depth for their level.
- use feedback from the instructor and coaches to revise their work, so that the connections between ideas are clear and the organizational structure is easy to follow.
- use feedback from the instructor and coaches to self-edit their work for grammatical correctness in a way that makes the meaning clear.
ESL 122 - Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers: Emphasis on Editing and Writing Process
( 0.50 - Units )
This course is for non-native speakers of English who are taking English courses or other courses that require academic writing. It is also open to students enrolled in ESL courses. Editing and the writing process are emphasized, but all aspects of the writing process are addressed as needed on an individual basis.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- write clear, defendable theses and use them to organize their writing,
- self-edit their work for correctness,
- revise their work so that the connections between ideas are clear.
ESL 130 - Writing Workshop: Using & Citing Sources
( 0.50 - Units )
This course is for non-native speakers of English who are taking ESL, English, or other courses that require academic writing. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs. Appropriate use and citation of source materials are emphasized, but all aspects of the writing process are addressed as needed on an individual basis.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- at or above the ESL 110C level, write clear, defendable theses and use them to organize their writing;
- use MLA format as appropriate for their level;
- follow the instructions for their academic writing assignments;
- write a composition of an appropriate length and depth for their level;
- using feedback from their instructor and coaches, revise their work so the connections between ideas are clear, and the organization of their finished work will be easy to identify and follow;
- using feedback from the instructor and coaches, self-edit their work for correctness, with the English of the finished product being clear and easy for a native speaker to understand.
ESL 140 - High Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar I
( 3.00 - Units )
In this course, students will read works of fictions and nonfiction and write paragraphs and short essays. There will also be coverage of high intermediate vocabulary and grammar with an emphasis on verb tenses. Content covered in this course is equivalent to the first 8 weeks of ESL 110C. This course is designed to support students who prefer a slower pace and reduced unit option. Students will need to take ESL 140 and 141 to advance to the next level, ESL 15.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- write factually correct and easy-to-understand answer questions about a level-appropriate article;
- demonstrate correct use of grammar studied in class.
ESL 141 - High Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar II
( 3.00 - Units )
In this course, students will read works of fiction and nonfiction and write summaries and essays. There will also be coverage of high intermediate vocabulary and grammar with an emphasis on verb tenses. Content covered in this course is equivalent to the last 8 weeks of ESL 110C. This course is designed to support students who prefer a slower pace and reduced unit option. Students will need to take ESL 140 and 141 to advance to the next level.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- produce an on-topic in-class writing of at least 300 words with level-appropriate grammar and usage;
- demonstrate correct use of grammar studied in class and in ESL 110c-1
ESL 150 - Guided ESL Skills Lab
( 1.00 - Units )
The guided ESL skills lab supplements classroom instruction for any ESL student. In a supportive, guided lab setting, students use educational software, online and audio-visual materials, one-on-one coaching, and other valuable resources to expand and enrich the learning experience beyond the classroom.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- The student is able to set their learning goal by identifying strengths and weaknesses in his/her own language skills.
- The student is able to select appropriate resources and articulate questions and needs to receive support from the instructor and Learning Assistant to reach the learning goal.
- The student is able to write clear sentences in a Learning Log to state a goal, describe the method and materials used to reach the goal, and share his/her own assessment of the progress made.
ESL 210 - Preparation for Academic ESL Reading
( Units )
This noncredit course in Academic ESL reading is part of a 3-course noncredit certificate of competency in Preparation for College ESL, which serves as preparation for ESL 110A, the first course in our credit sequence. Students who take this course may not have the necessary language proficiency in English or be ready for the academic rigor of our college credit ESL program. Students will gain reading, vocabulary, and study skills, computer literacy, and become familiar with U.S. college classroom culture. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course will be through ESL placement process. May be taken concurrently with ESL 220 and ESL 230.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- read short nonfiction articles and short novels and demonstrate comprehension;
- navigate Class-Web and Canvas LMS and demonstrate ability to read and locate information;
- effectively organize course materials and effectively manage time for an academic ESL class
ESL 220 - Preparation for Academic ESL Writing
( Units )
This noncredit course in Academic ESL writing is part of a 3-course noncredit Certificate of Competency in Preparation for College ESL, which serves as preparation for ESL 110A, the first course in our credit sequence. Students who take this course may not have the necessary language proficiency in English or be ready for the academic rigor of our college credit ESL program. Students will further proficiency in writing grammatically correct English sentences and short paragraphs, develop academic study skills and computer literacy, and become familiar with U.S. college classroom culture. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course will be through ESL placement process. May be taken concurrently with ESL 210 and ESL 230.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- respond in writing to short nonfiction articles, using correct grammar covered in the course;
- demonstrate ability to use word processing programs and Canvas to type and submit an academic paper for an ESL class;
- interpret and improve upon both instructor and peer feedback on a written assignment.
ESL 225 - Basic Spelling
( Units )
This course covers the basic sound/spelling patterns of English. Topics include open and closed syllables, short and long vowel sounds, consonant and consonant cluster sounds, spelling of homophones and other problem words in everyday English.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Spell words from the class list, including the 250 most common English words and homophones, with at least 80% accuracy.
- Use the patterns of English syllables, phonics, spelling and morphology studied in class to make reasonable guesses about the spelling of new words;
ESL 230 - Preparation for Academic ESL Listening and Speaking
( Units )
This noncredit course in Academic ESL Listening and Speaking is part of a 3-course noncredit Certificate of Competency in Preparation for College ESL, which serves as preparation for ESL 110A, the first course in our credit sequence. Students who take this course may not have the necessary language proficiency in English or be ready for the academic rigor of our college credit ESL program. Students will gain listening comprehension skills, oral fluency, study skills, computer literacy, and become familiar with U.S. college classroom culture. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course will be through ESL placement process. May be taken concurrently with ESL 210 and ESL 220.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Listening: Comprehend nonfiction reports and interviews and respond appropriately in quizzes and small group activities.
- Speaking: Express ideas fluently, accurately, and appropriately at a high-beginning level of English during role plays, group discussions and short presentations.
- Computer Literacy: Navigate Canvas to watch videos and listen to audio recordings, as well as to complete and submit homework online.
- Classroom Culture/Study Skills: Understand basic oral instructions during class time, ask for clarification during lectures and conversations, and ask for information and assistance from classmates, instructors, tutors, and other college staff.
ESL 240B - Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar
( Units )
Logical paragraph development; reading both fiction and nonfiction; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- produce an on-topic in-class writing of at least 250 words with level-appropriate grammar and usage;
- write factually correct and easy-to-understand sentences to answer questions about a level-appropriate article;
- demonstrate correct use of grammar studied in class.
ESL 240A - Low Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar
( Units )
A comprehensive review of basic sentence types; short writing assignments; reading fiction and nonfiction; reinforces fluency in reading, writing, and grammar. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESL credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- produce an on-topic in-class writing of at least 200 words with level-appropriate grammar and usage;
- write factually correct and easy-to-understand sentences to answer questions about an article;
- demonstrate correct use of grammar studied in class.
ESL 242A - Low Intermediate Listening and Speaking
( Units )
This is a noncredit course in ESL Listening and Speaking at the Low Intermediate Level. Students will gain listening comprehension skills, oral fluency, study skills, and be introduced to Chabot College services and activities. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course concurrently with ESL 110A. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Listening: Comprehend spoken American English at a low intermediate ESL level.
- Speaking: Express ideas fluently, accurately, and appropriately at a low-intermediate level of English.
- Department Knowledge: Students are familiar with the ESL program’s classes, sequence, and certificates.
- College Success: Students are aware of and know how to access college services.
ESL 242B - Intermediate Listening and Speaking
( Units )
This is a noncredit course in ESL Listening and Speaking at the Intermediate Level. Students will gain listening comprehension skills, oral fluency, study skills, and familiarity with Chabot College certificates, degrees and services. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course concurrently with ESL 110B. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Listening: Comprehend and respond appropriately to spoken American English at an intermediate ESL level.
- Speaking: Express ideas fluently, accurately, and appropriately at an intermediate level of English.
- College Programs: Students are familiar with degree and certificate programs at Chabot College.
- Student Services: Students know how to find and use college financial aid resources and funding opportunities.
ESL 250 - Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers: Emphasis on Pre-writing & Paragraph Organization
( Units )
Individualized and group instruction in writing with emphasis on pre-writing and paragraph organization. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Use feedback from the instructor and coaches to self-edit their work for grammatical correctness in a way that makes meaning clear;
- Plan the organization of level-appropriate paper using a pre-writing method of their choice;
- Write a composition of an appropriate length and depth for their level.
ESL 251 - Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers: Emphasis on Thesis Development and Essay Organization
( Units )
Individualized and group instruction in writing with emphasis on thesis development and essay organization. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Use feedback from the instructor and coaches to revise their work, so that the connections between ideas are clear and the organizational structure is easy to follow.
- Apply the instructions for their academic writing assignments.
- Write a composition of an appropriate length and depth for their level.