Equity and Inclusion

President's Message

In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, we face a time of uncertainty for many in our educational community and beyond. We are emerging from a political season in which students from immigrant backgrounds, communities of color, LBGT students, and women have too often been the targets of hate speech and threats which should be unacceptable in a nation committed to freedom and justice.

Chabot College has a proud tradition of education and organization for social justice and human rights. We serve many students from immigrant families who are experiencing deep anxieties about their family's future. We have organized this webpage for Chabot students to assist you in gaining the information and support that will help you to move forward during this time.

One thing is certain: Chabot will continue to serve and support all of our community members to achieve their dreams, to honor their diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and to organize together for our deeply held commitments to equity and social justice.

Commentary: Write future’s history books by resisting travel ban


Susan Sperling, Ph.D.
President, Chabot College


Chabot College is a Sanctuary Campus  •  Hayward is a Sanctuary City