AGS Prospective Members

Overview of the club

Welcome to the Sigma Rho Chapter of Alpha Gamma Sigma. The core values of AGS are academics, community service and leadership. Founded in 1926, Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS, AGS) is the Honor Society of the California Community Colleges. Active members of AGS do more than just get good grades. Because of AGS's promotion of service to the campus and local community, AGS members are often some of the most active and involved students on their campus. AGS is dedicated to promoting scholarship, character and civic responsibility. AGS members are often involved in various club activities from campus events, social outings, fundraisers and a vast range of community service projects, individually and as a group. Sigma Rho members have logged in hundred of hours helping with various organizations throughout the Bay Area. For over fifty years at Chabot College, membership in AGS demonstrates that you can balance philanthropy, leadership development and academic excellence. This tradition continues with each member.

AGS, Inc motto: "Add to good character, knowledge and judgment" 

As an active member of the honor society, you will serve your community, acquire academic and service-minded friends and have a lot of fun in the process. Additionally, upon fulfilling the membership eligibility criteria, members will also:

  • be able to note their impressive membership on resumes, job applications and university admission applications
  • be able to develop leadership skills and abilities by serving as a club officer or committee chair person
  • be competitive for AGS scholarships
  • be eligible for Sigma Rho scholarships
  • be eligible for special AGS scholarships that are available at select Universities
  • have an AGS membership notation on your transcript
  • have opportunities to attend local and statewide AGS conferences
  • be able to purchase official AGS pins, jewelry and other logo merchandise
  • have special recognition at Commencement
  • AGS allowed me to take INITIATIVE. I was able to let me ideas come ALIVE. Thanks to AGS I had the support that I needed to make my ideas BECOME REAL." -S
  • "I love AGS! I really found my Chabot family at AGS. The people I have met and the opportunities that I have had through AGS have allowed me to make the most of my college experience. :) " -K
  • "AGS has shown me how important and impacting it is to have a strong support system. You not only are given many opportunities to evolve, but you are also surrounded by inspiring individuals." - A.M.
  • "AGS gave me a way to connect with more people. I am a very shy person but after joining this club, I was able to be more confident and step out in the community. I don't usually keep track of what's going on my a school or in the community but this club is a great way to keep connected with what's happening." -P

 For new members, there are three things to do to get started. Be sure to check out the "New Member" for specific details.

1. Attend a Membership Orientation. The schedule is listed in the Membership Orientation tab below. New dates are added periodically throughout the term.

2. Attend a club meeting so you can get the scoop on activities going on and meet other club members. 

Any student can participate in any club on campus. You are welcome to attend our meetings and club activities. However, since we are a part of the Alpha Gamma Sigma, Inc. statewide organization, there are some additional requirements to be fulfilled in order to be an eligible member of AGS and enjoy the advantages of membership.

Prior to the semester you wish to be a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma, you must have a Chabot GPA of 3.0 or higher (or 3.5 or higher if you are a recent high school graduate) and be a student in good standing at Chabot College. 

During the semester of your participation you must: Attend a Membership Orientation, complete an Enrollment Form, pay membership dues and earn a minimum of 20 Service Points. Members are required to actively participate on a club committee. 

Steps for Membership for New and Returning Members for each semester you would like to participate in AGS:

Steps to Membership Additional Information

1. To the advisor, submit two documents:

    1A - the Enrollment Form (EF)

    1B - your unofficial Chabot Transcripts






1A - How to find Class Web unofficial transcript

2. Pay Membership Dues ($10 per semester) At club meetings, the club treasurer will announce the process of paying membership dues. The treasurer will provide you with a reciept at the time that you pay.
3. Earn 20 service points throughout the semester The fun part! To facilitate an accurate record of service, please use the club forms, sign-in sheets etc. and submit forms following the manner and due dates which the Vice President announces at meetings. Expect to keep track of your own service as well.
Note: New Members  You are encouraged to read the AGS Bylaws and Sigma Rho handbook (found in the "For More Info" tab below) and attend a Membership Orientation.
Note: All Members

A. Join one club committee/work group per semester. The club requires a minimum of 3 hours of committee work.

B. You are encouraged to satisfy 10 of your points engaged with the club community. There is a wide range of opportunities, such as participating in club community service, socials, and fundraising events, and attending club meetings.

C. The advisor will talk about the optional submission of a AGS Resume/Service Summary during the semester.


If you have any questions about the criteria or process of membership, please attend a Membership Orientation, or contact a club officer or advisor.

Welcome, "freshman". Members need to have 12 Chabot units from which to base your GPA for AGS. You can fulfill the AGS membership criteria in the semester after earning your 12th unit. 

However, consider hanging out with us during your first semester! You will learn about the club and make new friends. Your time will be well spent.

Please be aware that there is a deadline for membership each semester which falls on the Thursday of the 12th week of the semester. By this date, it's expected that your enrollment form, transcript, and membership fee will have been received.

Prospective and returning members who do not submit materials in time, may continue participating in club functions after this date, but they may not be eligible for official membership for that semester without these materials being received by the due date. Contact the advisor directly for any inquiries or concerns.

  • Fall membership: usually around the first week of November
  • Spring membership: usually around the end of March or first week of April

Enrollment Form (Word, 1 page) - Turn in to advisor each semester of membership 

Points Submission Form (PDF, 1 page) - Complete and turn this form in to the club's Vice President in order for your points to be counted. Be sure to attach necessary verification forms, reciepts, etc. and submit by the respective due dates set by the Vice President.

Points Verification Form (PDF, 1 page) - If the organization you are working with does not have a verification letter, please use this form. Attach this completed form to your Points Submission Form.

On-Going Service Form (PDF, 1 page) - Use this form for volunteer service you are doing regularly (such as weekly) when the organization does not provide volunteers with a verification letter. Attach this completed form to your Points Submission Form.

Executive Officer Nomination Form (MS Word, 2 pages) - When there are vacancies within the executive leadership board, use this form to express your nomination to the election process. Turn this form in to the designated officer by the deadline mentioned in the meeting. Note: In order to comply with the Student Life club officer guidelines and AGS, officers must meet the following criteria: (1) you must be enrolled in at least 5 units at Chabot and (2) you must have a current GPA of 3.0 or higher. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact the advisor directly.


Members are encouraged to connect with one of the four club Committees. This way, members get a chance to meet, connect and collaborate with other members with a similar committee interest, while helping the club have a presence in that aspect of the club.

Members can be in more than committee and change committees any time. Being part of one committee does not exlude anyone from participating in activities connected with another committee-- all members are part of everything in the club. Committees are a starting point.

The four club committees are:

Comittee  Description & Examples of Activities
Community Service

Focus on sharing, creating and encouraging community service within the club. Activities/projects may include gathering & disseminating info about community service opportunities as well as develop original service projects for the club (and community) to participate.

Examples of past activities include: Care Packages for Compassion, Light the Night, Meals on Wheels, canned food drives & MedShare volunteerwork


Focus on advertising and welcoming students to the club.

Activities/projects include: flyer posting, tabling, campus events, creating club swag, t-shirt design, newsletters, display cases on campus, updating the Academic Honors Board, club photo albums & social media.


Focus on raising funds for the club. Funds raised are used for attending AGS conferences, sponsoring student scholarships, and club operations (such as copying flyers and event supplies).

Examples of past activities include: Flea Market sale, Panera Restaurant event, See’s Candy sale, car wash, Marketplace at AGS Conference & Root Beer Float sale.


Focus inward on our club community in the areas of socials, leadership development, academics, scholarship, club spirit, wellness and fun. 

Examples of past activities: AGS Graduate celebration, AGS Conferences, Membership Orientations, Board Game social, Geek Week, Movie Nights, Workshops on: Leadership, Mental Health, Stress Management, Transferring, UC Essay; .


Please come to a Membership Orientation (a "Q & A "session), attend a club meeting or contact the club advisor for specific questions.

Also, the AGS Sigma Rho Bylaws (PF) and the Sigma Rho Member Handbook (PDF) are great resources that shares more detailed information about our chapter. The Bylaws are the document which outline club procedures. The handbook was created to address commonly asked questions. Members are expected to be familiar with the content of both documents.

Our chapter operates between guidelines of the Alpha Gamma Sigma, Inc. organization and by Chabot College's Student Life Office.

AGS, Inc statewide organization website:

Chabot Student Life website: