Nursing Information Meetings

Mandatory Nursing Information Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be scheduled throughout the semester. Please check the list below for dates and information details.

You are required to complete both steps:

  1. Attend the RN Program Information Presentation. If you still have questions after the presentation, please reach out to the RN Program email.
  2. And, complete the survey to get your information meeting confirmation. The survery information will be posted in the zoom chat at the end of the meeting. You will print the last page of the survey for your Meeting Confirmation to be submited with your nursing application.

Nursing Information Meeting Calendar

For Fall 2025 Appicants: 
Starting now, our Zoom meetings will last for an hour with crucial information to cover. To ensure everyone gets the most out of it, the cutoff time to join will be 10 minutes after the scheduled start. 

**Time and date change due to schedule** 

  • In-person: April 15th, 2024 6pm-7pm

           This will be in-person

           Location: 1908 in 1900 building and subjet to change 

           A daily parking ticket will need to be purchased to be able to park on campus



BRN Applicant Enforcement

The Board of Registered Nursing has added an information webinar on its website that provides beneficial information for applicants with a history of criminal or discipline against another professional license. The Applicant Enforcement Webinar is designed for pre-licensure students and first-time applicants for licensure in California. Visit the BRN website to view this video and to review the Frequently Asked Questions that were asked during the live broadcast of this webinar.