ChabOUT List
The ChabOUT List aids in bringing visibility to LGBTQ+ identified faculty, classified professionals, and administrators across our campus community. This list is publicly posted for students, other employees, and the general community to have an access point of contact. This list is completely voluntary.
David Irving (he/him/his)
Mental Heath Counselor/Coordinator, Counseling Division

Noell Adams (she/her)
Degree Audit/SEP System Coordinator, Admissions and Records
K Metcalf (she/her)
Instructional Assistant, Counseling Division

Robin Galas (she/her/hers)
Director of Trio ETS/HPN, Special Programs Division

Ming Ho (he/him/his)
Mathematics Faculty/Coordinator, Science and Mathematics Division

Dmitriy Kalyagin (he/him)
Business Instructor, Applied Technology and Business Division

Maria Rodriguez-Larrain (she/her/ella)
MESA/TRIO Director, Science and Mathematics Division

Jeffrey Tsao (he/him/his)
Biology Instructor and Biological Sciences Coordinator, Science and Mathematics Division

Norman Buchwald (he/him/his)
Information Literacy and Technology Librarian, Language Arts Division

Michael Langdon (he/him)
English Instructor, Language Arts Division

Alex Karan (he/him/his)
Research Analyst, Office of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. kim I morrison (they/them/any/all or none)
Equity, Diversity, Outreach and Inclusion Librarian, Language Arts Division

Virginia Criswell (she/her)
Sr. Administrative Assistant, Academic Pathways and Student Success Division