Classified Prioritization

Classified Prioritization Process

Classified Prioritization Annual Cycles

Classified Prioritization Committee

A subcommittee of Classified Senate that makes recommendations to Classified Senate and the College President, and collaborates with the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee.


  • Prioritize new classified professional position requests in alignment with the college mission and strategic plan.


  • Oversee and assess the Classified Prioritization Process.
  • Review classified professional position requests submitted through college processes, including but not limited to Program and Area Review, and prioritize requests in alignment with the college mission, the strategic plan, and other associated policies and procedures.
  • Develop forms, tools, and rubric required for ranking requested positions.
  • Recommend classified professional hiring priorities to the College President.

Membership 2024-2025

  • Virginia Criswell, Classified Senate President
  • Lisa Ulibarri, Academic Senate Representative
  • Heather Hernandez, SEIU Designee
  • Brian Goo, Director of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness
  • Osibisa Roseby, Classified Senate Senator
  • Terra Lee, Classified Senate Vice President
  • Linda Buelna, Classified Senate Senator
  • ShelleyRae Corpus, Classified Senate Senator
  • Craig Shira, Classified Senate Secretary