Prerequisite Clearance

What is a prerequisite?
A prerequisite is a course (or equivalent skills or prior experience) that you must complete with a grade of “C” or better (or possess) before enrolling in a more advanced course.  A prerequisite is a course needed before you may register for a subsequent course.

What is a prerequisite clearance?
If you are registering for a Chabot College course that has a prerequisite and you feel have fulfilled the prerequisite with a course you have taken or currently taking at another college or university, then you can request a prerequisite clearance by submitting:

  1. Prerequisite Override; or,
  2. Prerequisite Courses in Progress; or,
  3. Prerequisite Challenge, if your Prerequisite Override was denied.

Prerequisite Override 

If you have already completed the prerequisite course at another college, please follow the steps below to have your prerequisite cleared. We strongly recommend Online Drop-In service for the quickest processing. Due to the current high volume of requests, the turnaround time for email requests may take up 10 instructional days during peak registration time. 

If the form requires documentation to support your request, please attach appropriate transcripts to the email in PDF format, unofficial transcripts are acceptable.

Requests without necessary or appropriate documentation will not be processed or will be denied approval. 

How to submit your request: 

Note that prerequisite clearance service will be suspended from December 18 until January 11 when we open for the Winter Break schedule.

By Online Drop-In:

  1. If you have NOT submitted official transcripts to Admissions and Records documenting successful completion (grade of C or higher) of the prerequisite course(s), have your unofficial transcripts ready to show the counselor during your Online Drop-In Session.

By Email:

Email from your secure ZoneMail email with “Prerequisite Override” written on the subject line. If you are new to Zonemail, please start with the Zonemail tutorial. You must include:

  1. In the body of the email, please provide:
    • Your first and last name 
    • Your Student ID Number (W Number)
    • Your phone number
    • The name and number of the course(s) you want to add that has prerequisites (Math 55 or Chemistry 1A, for example).
    • Please state if your official transcripts have already been submitted to Admissions and Records.
  2. If you have NOT submitted official transcripts to Admissions and Records, you must scan and attach unofficial transcripts with this request that document successful completion (grade of C or higher) of the prerequisites for each course you want to add. Please be sure that your name and the name of the college both appear on the transcript. If you have already submitted official transcripts to Admissions and Records documenting successful completion (grade of C or higher) of the prerequisite course(s), no further action is required for this request.
  3. Due to the current high volume of requests, the turnaround time for email requests may take up to 10 instructional days. We strongly recommend Online Drop-In service for quicker processing. 

Prerequisite Courses in Progress

If you are currently taking the prerequisite course at another college or university, you will need:

  1. Email from the instructor with the following information:
    1. The name and number of the course
    2. Your first and last name
    3. The grade the instructor expects you to receive
    4. The instructors title and contact information
  2. Submit by Online Drop-In or Email:
    1. By Email: Scan and attach the email from the instructor to your email request and follow the same email instructions as for Prerequisite Override.
    2. Online Drop-In
      Have your email from the instructor and follow the same instructions as for Prerequisite Override

Prerequisite Challenge

For students wanting to take a class that has a prerequisite course requirement and, while you do not have the prerequisite course equivalent from another institution, you would like to take the class based on other reasons. Please consult with a counselor for guidance before submitting the Prerequisite Challenge form.

Reasons for challenging a prerequisite/co-requisite may include one or more of the following:

  1. A prerequisite is not made reasonably available to a student
  2. A student believes the prerequisite was established in violation of state regulation or in violation of the District approved prerequisite process;
  3. The student believes the prerequisite is discriminatory or being applied in a discriminatory manner.  (Discrimination is defined as prerequisite being arbitrarily enforced with some group(s) of students and not with others or having disproportionate impact on a particular group of students.);
  4. Student has documented knowledge and abilities equivalent to those specified in the prerequisite course.  Student documentation is required.
    The student must provide appropriate documentation when filing a challenge form. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, high school or college transcripts, additional test results, work experience, or writing sample. Prior enrollment in the course does not exempt a student from the current prerequisite of that course. You must meet the current prerequisite even if you were able to register for the course in previous semesters. Prerequisites do not have catalog rights.

What are some good examples of appropriate documentation to support my challenge?
Examples of appropriate documentation could include: transcripts, course descriptions, work experience, documented skill development trainings or workshops, and/or test scores. Being a “good student,” “knowing you can pass the class,” and/or needing the class for graduation, athletic eligibility, or insurance purposes are not examples appropriate documentation.