Career Fair Tips

Career fairs are a great way to find a job or internship as well as learn about careers and employers. Be polite and professional, but also have fun meeting the employer reps and learning about them.  


  • Review the employer list and identify which ones you are interested in.
  • Introduce yourself to the employers (name, your career goals, etc.).
  • Tell them why you are interested in learning about their company.  
  • Ask them a few questions. We have provided several guiding questions below, but please feel free to come up with your own.
  • If none of the employers you researched are available, talk with any employer at an empty table.  
  • If you’d like to keep in touch, ask for their business card or other materials they have.
  • If you are interested in their positions, tell them about yourself and how you believe you are a good match for their positions.
  • If you really want a stronger chance to get one of the jobs or internships, dress for success and bring copies of your resume.

Potential Questions to Ask Employers: 

  • Can you tell me more about your company?
  • What is the work environment like?
  • What type of job openings are you looking to fill?
  • What are the qualifications for the job such as education requirements and skills?
  • Any other questions you’d like to ask