Remediate an Existing File
If you have an existing PDF or MS Office files that needs to be made accessible, (i.e. to remediate or fix), you have 2 options:
Option 1: Remediation by Allyant
Allyant is an vendor that can remediate your PDF or MS Office files, and Chabot College has an open PO with Allyant.
Steps to Request a Quote
- In an email, attach your file(s), CC Bella Witt so she can track the budget, and email to
- In the request, clearly specify what you want Allyant to produce. For example, if
you want a Word form/doc to be a fully accessible PDF fillable form, specify this
in your quote request.
AND copy/paste the following into the email requests, completing where needed:
Primary Contact Name:
Primary Contact Email:
Company Name: Chabot College
Invoicing Country (Desired Currency): USD
Invoicing Contact Name: Bella Witt
Invoicing Contact Email:
What accessibility standard do you require? WCAG 2.2 AA
Rush orders may increase estimate cost. If required, please provide a date by which you hope to receive the completed work:
- Forward the invoice to Bella Witt after the remediation is completed.
- Plan for 5+ business days for Allyant to remediate your media.
Option 2. Self Remediation
If you want to remediate your digital content and media yourself, there are guides
and tutorial on the Accessible Digital Media web page for you to use.
Create a New File
If you need to create a new file, contact Chabot College Reprographics and they can create your digital media that will meet accessibility standards and free of charge.
Plan for 5 business days for Reprographics to create an accessible flyer or poster, and up to 15 business days for complex projects such as magazines.
Use software with accessibility tools that will help comply with accessibility standards, such as those maintained by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Software with accessibility tools that meet HHS and WCAG standards include:
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Canvas (for faculty)
- Chabot College Website Content Management System
- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe InDesign has some accessibility features, however, it may not fully meet ADA, HHS,
and WCAG standards. Therefore, it should not be used to create digitally distributed
Work with a professional trained in accessibility
- Before starting on a project, make sure the graphic or content designer you are working
with knows how to meet ADA regulations.
- Work with Chabot College Reprographics to create your digital media. This only applies to creating new files; not for remediating
existing files.
- Use 25Live, Canvas, and the college website, where possible.
These platforms have accessibility checker to help create accessible digital documents that are also mobile friendly. If you need assistance, please contact:
- Angela Castellanos at for 25Live;
- Canvas team for Canvas (for faculty);
- Wing Kam at for college website.
Printed Materials and Display Screen
Printed materials and content displayed on an information screen have their own accessibility requirements. Print-only materials don’t need to meet digital media requirements but must meet print accessibility standards; materials being printed and digitally distributed must meet both digital and print accessibility requirements. For more info on printed material, contact Chabot College Reprographics.