Medical Assisting Courses
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with counseling or refer to the current Class Schedule and College Catalog.
MEDA 60 - Introduction to Medical Assisting
( 2.00 - Units )
This course is an introduction to the Medical Assisting profession. It includes job duties, scope of practice, medical law & ethics, and communication. Medical Assisting is a 2-semester certificated program. This is a pre-requisite, along with HLTH 51A, to enter the medical assisting program. This course also is a pre-requisite for the Medical Assisting-Administrative program.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Identify clinical, administrative and general medical assisting skills.
- Discuss medical law and ethics.
- Demonstrate communication techniques.
MEDA 70B - Clinical Skills For the Medical Assistant 2
( 3.00 - Units )
Continuation of Medical Assisting 70A. Basic and advanced clinical skills common to medical offices and clinics. Use of advanced clinical skills while assisting the physician and performing direct patient care. Skills include venipuncture, capillary punctures, CLIA waived laboratory tests, assisting with specialty exams, pharmacology for systems, and pediatric exams and documentation.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- perform CLIA waived laboratory testing;
- perform electrocardiograms;
- perform venipuncture;
- assist in pediatric examinations.
MEDA 70A - Clinical Skills For the Medical Assistant I
( 3.50 - Units )
Introduction to the clinical role of the Medical Assistant. Includes basic and advanced skills which are utilized when assisting the physician and performing direct patient care. Theory and skills include performing within the scope of practice, vital signs, documentation, preparing and assisting with medical examinations, OSHA regulations, electrocardiograms, sterile technique, injections, oral medications, and first aid.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- perform medical hand washing;
- perform within scope of practice;
- perform CLIA waived laboratory testing.
- Administer an intradermal, a subcutaneous and intramuscular injection.
MEDA 71B - Administrative Skills II
( 2.00 - Units )
Administrative Medical Assisting skills and theory which include medical coding, health insurance, billing, collections, practice finances, confidentiality and development of life skills. This course also includes resume writing and job search techniques.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- prepare commonly-used medical insurance forms; manually and using computer;
- apply basic diagnosis and procedure coding processes using Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10-CM) manuals.
MEDA 71A - Administrative Skills I
( 2.00 - Units )
Administrative Medical Assisting skills and theory to include the healthcare industry, the medical assisting profession, interpersonal skills and human behavior, law and ethics, computer concepts, telephone techniques, scheduling appointments, patient reception and processing, office/clinic environment and daily operations, written communication and mail processing, medical record management.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- prepare appointment pages by matrixing and manage appointments;
- perform administrative medical assisting tasks.
MEDA 73 - Clinical Experience Practicum
( 4.00 - Units )
Application of principles and skills through participation in a simulated employment experience. Assisting the physician under close supervision in a health maintenance organization, or physician’s office or clinic. Practicum - approximately 36 hours a week until required hours are completed - will occur the last 6 weeks of the spring term.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Apply critical thinking skills in performing patient assessment and care.
- Apply administrative skills in an ambulatory setting.
- Apply clinical skills in an ambulatory setting.
- Demonstrate medical assisting knowledge, skills, and behaviors in an ambulatory setting.
MEDA 74 - Clinical Experience Seminar
( 1.00 - Units )
Discussion and analysis of clinical experience in a clinic setting or private physician's office.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Examine and evaluate clinical practicum experiences.
MEDA 75 - Pharmacology for the Medical Assistant
( 2.00 - Units )
Introduction to pharmacology fundamentals. Medication administration fundamentals including study of medications, drug research, drug therapy, immunizations and skin tests. Discuss safe preparation, administration, and documentation of medication given by oral, sublingual, inhalation, topical, vaginal, rectal, transdermal, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intradermal routes.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Identify the medical assistant's role in pharmacology.
- Differentiate between the different methods of medication administration.
- Recognize drug categories and classifications.
MEDA 76 - Electronic Health Record for the Medical Office
( 3.00 - Units )
To prepare the student medical assistant, or any health care professional, to work within an electronic health record (EHR) and practice management software (PMS). This course will provide the knowledge and skills to understand and apply practical applications in the Electronic Health Record, managing the revenue cycle, and documenting patient encounters. As most of the healthcare industry uses electronic health records, this is a valuable course to become familiar with the data that is entered into the medical record and practice management software, how that data is entered and how the data is reviewed and processed throughout all departments of a medical practice.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- explain electronic health records (EHR) and discuss the importance of accurately entering data into the medical record;
- discuss meaningful use, clinical quality measures, regulations, privacy and security related to electronic health records (EHR);
- accurately enter data into the patient’s electronic health record;
- produce various statements and reports using practice management software and electronic health records (EHR);
- prepare patient forms and documentation.
MEDA 80 - Medical Assisting Certification Exam Preparedness
( 1.00 - Units )
This course will help prepare the medical assistant to take a national or state medical assistant certification examination. Focus will be on general, administrative, and clinical components as well as student study skills and exam techniques needed to prepare for and to take an exam.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Identify strategies for successful studying and test taking.
- Distinguish general, administrative and clinical medical assisting concepts and content.