Early College CCAP-DE Program
The College and Career Access Pathways Dual Enrollment (CCAP-DE) program gives high school students the opportunity to take free college courses at their high school and get college credit.
Students in the CCAP-DE program get the benefits of:
Higher success rates:
Studies show that students who enroll in dual enrollment have on average:
- 25% higher rates of completing a college degree;
- 15% higher rates of college enrollment;
- 7% higher rates of high school graduation.
Save Money on College
Enroll in tuition-free college courses now and reduce your future college costs.
Students who are interested in the CCAP-DE program must meet all of these eligibility criteria:
- Currently enrolled in a participating high school.
- Have a 2.0 GPA or higher.
- Complete a Chabot College application and a CCAP-DE enrollment form.
- Obtain permission from parent/guardian(s) and counselor.
For more information, please contact the CCAP-DE site leads at your high school.
If you do not know who your site lead is or whether your high school is participating
in CCAP-DE, please open the list below to find site lead information and participating
high schools.
Arroyo High School
Crystal Aguada
Email: Caguada@slzusd.org
Phone: (510) 317-4031
Castro Valley High School
Mattie Peracca-Brown
Email: mperacca@cv.k12.ca.us
Phone: (510) 537-5910 ext. 3842
Eden Area ROP
Michelle Stephens
Email: mstephens@edenrop.org
Phone: (510) 293-2903
Hayward High School
Yaribeth Marquez
Email: Ym210@husd.k12.ca.us
Phone: (510) 935-1107
James Logan High School
Alicia Elbert
Email: aelbert@nhusd.k12.ca.us
Phone: (510) 476-2670, ext. 62670
Leadership Public High School
Taylor Moxon
Email: Tmoxon@leadps.org
Lighthouse High School
Mayra Santoyo
Email: mayra.santoyo@lighthousecharter.org
Lincoln High School
Asia Odegard
Email: Aodegard@slusd.us
Phone Number: (510) 618-4460 ext. 2679
Lodestar High School
Mayra Santoyo
Email: mayra.santoyo@lighthousecharter.org
Mt. Eden High School
Sandra Marquez
Email: Sm914@husd.k12.ca.us
Phone: (510) 935-1108
San Leandro High School
Vanessa Galaviz
Email: Vgalaviz@slusd.us
Phone: 510-618-4600 ext. 2498
San Lorenzo High School
Khanh Tran
Email: Ktran@slzusd.org
Phone: 510-317-3064
Tennyson High School
Christian Martinez Lopez
Email: Cm614@husd.k12.ca.us
Phone: (510) 935-1109
Twin Oaks High School
Giselle Santellan
Email: gisselle@haywardtwinoaks.org
New Students: Create an account on CCCApply and apply to the semester
- Apply to Chabot College on CCCApply
- Click “Create an Account.”
- Account creation is permanent. Please use a personal email or phone number.
- Apply to Chabot College for the term you plan to enroll in CCAP-DE classes.
- Complete the application. Screenshot the confirmation page with both confirmation number and CCCID. Please email the screenshot to your site lead and cc-earlycollege@chabotcollege.edu.
- You will receive a welcome email with your Student ID (W#) after 24 to 48 hours.
Returning Students: Sign in CCCApply and apply for semester
- Click blue “Sign In” button at CCCApply.
- If you forgot your password, please select “Forgot your password?” and follow the steps on the screen to recover your account.
- If you lost access to the email or if you have any difficulties recovering your password, please call the help desk (877) 247-4836 to recover your account.
- Under “My Applications,” click the blue “Start a New Application” button.
- Select the term you plan to take a CCAP-DE class.
- Complete the application. Screenshot the confirmation page with both confirmation number and CCCID. Please email the screenshot to your site lead and cc-earlycollege@chabotcollege.edu.
- Upon completing the CCAP-DE Form, input the following information in the pop-up box:
- Participant 2 Signature: parent or guardian.
- Participant 3 Signature: high school counselor or college and career center staff.
- You must confirm the link in your email, or the form will not be sent to participant
2 and participant 3.
- Your high school site lead will let you know when you are approved.
- Please spell email addresses correctly or your form will be lost.
- Forms that have the following errors will NOT be approved:
- Wrong semester date on either the Chabot College application or CCAP-DE form. (Ex: Course is during Fall 2024, student applied for Summer 2024 on the Chabot application or CCAP-DE form).
- Paper forms will not be approved. All CCAP-DE forms must be from Adobe Sign.
- CCAP-DE forms that have the wrong parent/guardian emails and/or counselor emails will not be approved. If you input the wrong participant emails, you must redo the form.
Once you are approved to take CCAP-DE classes, you can now register for your course(s). Get the Course Registration Number (CRN) from your site lead.
How to Register for classes:
- Go to the CLASS-Web/MyPortal page and sign in.
- Click on the “Student Services” tab.
- Click on “Registration.”
- Click on “Add/Drop or Withdraw from Classes.”
- Select the term you plan to take the course. Click “Submit.”
- Enter the Course Registration Number (CRN) in the boxes on the screen, then click “Submit.”
Sergio Saenz
Educational Programs Project Manager
Alan David
Early College Programs and Pathways Coordinator
Maya Ito
APSS Outreach Specialist
Elizabeth “Liz” McWhorter
Early College Programs and Pathways Coordinator