Community Resources
- Home
- Childcare
- Hotlines
- Domestic Violence
- Employment Resources
- Food Resources
- Family Resource Centers
- Foster Care
- Health Care Information
- Housing
- Mental Health
- Parent Resources
- Re-Entry (Formerly Incarcerated)
- Senior Services
- Special Needs / Disablity
- Substance Abuse
- Teen / Adolescent Services
- Veterans Resources Center
Employment Resources
California Employment Development Dept.
Eastbay Works-One Stop Career
Employment training, job placement, one stop career center, and resources.
Address: 24100 Amador St # 311, Hayward; 1212 Broadway, Suite 100, Oakland
Phone: 510-670-5700
Website: Eastbay Works-One Stop Career
Oakland Day Labor Center
Phone: 510-782-WORK
Oakland Private Industry Council
One-Stop Career Center Career counselors, internet access, resource library, telephones, fax, copy machines, opportunities for training scholarships, and listings of job opportunities.
Spanish Services: Yes
Undocumented Services: Yes
Undocumented Services: Yes