FRESH Food & Life Pantry
Mondays and Thursdays
10:00am- 4:00pm
To request an appointment, please complete the request form.
Where: The Gladiator Resource Hub, Building 3800 (old Bookstore)
What is FRESH
FRESH stands for Food, Resources, and Education to Stop Hunger.
The FRESH Food and Life Pantry is a student-led organization that addresses food insecurity
at Chabot College and the larger community to reduce hunger as a roadblock to educational
and personal achievement.
Who We Serve
All the resources and services that FRESH offers are free to all Chabot students.
More Than Just Food
Since May 2017, FRESH has served the Chabot community’s needs around food. However, from the beginning, we have held the enduring vision of a Life Pantry program to meet students’ needs even more comprehensively, and to address other issues that affect students’ success in school.
Therefore, at each pop-up, we also:
- Offer clothing, hygiene products, and other basic necessities, when available
- Connect students with CalFRESH representatives. Learn more at the CalFresh website.
- Connect students with other programs and resources on campus, such as El Centro, MESA, CalWORKs, the Financial Aid office, and the Health Center.
Beyond the pop-ups, we:
- Partner with Chabot faculty and their classes to:
- Develop recipes to inspire new ways of eating healthy with the food distributed provided by the pantry
- Survey students needs at Chabot beyond food, and to develop relationships with local stores and organizations for possible donations
- Facilitate discussions about food insecurity
- Coordinate with local organizations to provide students with job opportunities or other free resources and programs