Finding the Periodical That Has Your Article
In EBSCOhost and ProQuest,
when full text is not available, there will be a link available for you
to check to see if full text is in other databases.
After taking down the
citation, click on the link. It takes you to our Journal
Portal and you will see if it is available in Chabot Library's
collection, or if it is available in another database. Below is
how such a title would appear if it is available in either.
In the above example, you
would find the New York Times at the Periodicals desk, but only for
the past month (as of January 1, 2010, Chabot discontinued getting the
New York Times in print). But articles are available in LexisNexis
Academic from June 1, 1980 to the present, and you can then conduct a
search for the article clicking on the Lexis-Nexis link. If you
did not go directly to an article but to a screen such as one listed
above, and a database is listed, you will either need to search by
article title (as in LexisNexis) or by volume number and year (as
in EBSCOhost, ProQuest, or a journal article web site).