Spring 2025 Flex Day Schedule

Master Schedule

Breakout Sessions At a Glance

Breakout Sessions Schedule - Detailed

Master Schedule for March 18th Flex Day

Topics Time & Locations
Breakfast Burritos & Coffee 7:45AM - 8:45AM @ SOTA Plaza
Keynote Speaker 9:00AM - 9:50AM @ PAC
Breakout Sessions 1 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Breakout Sessions 2 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Lunch - (Pasta Bar / Pho / Vegan) 12:00PM - 1:00PM @ Cafeteria (2300)

Compressed Calendar / Winter Intersession

Division Meeting/Program Meeting

If you are unsure where to go, please see your Dean or Manager

1:00PM - 1:50PM

Compressed Calendar / Winter Intersession


If you are unsure where to go, please see your Dean or Manager

2:00PM - 4:00PM


Breakout Sessions Schedule At A Glance

Recommended for: Everyone Faculty

in person session icon = In Person session     hyflex session icon = Hy-Flex session     zoom session icon = Zoom session

Breakout Sessions 1
10:00AM - 10:50AM

Breakout Sessions 2
11:00AM - 11:50AM

Breakout Sessions 3
1:00PM - 1:50PM

Breakout Sessions 4
2:00PM - 4:00PM

Salsa Dance Class

Mariella Morales

session 1 | Room 2930 (Bldg 2900 is next to the pool)

Labubu Lessons 

Angie Muñoz

session 1 | Room 503

Compressed Calendar / Winter Intersession 
Divison Meetings

session 1 | Room(s) TBD

STEM Coordinators Compressed Calendar Scheduling

Shannon Lee

session 1| Room 1803

Friends of Chabot College foundation

Yvonne Wu Craig

session 2 | Room 505

UndocuAlly Spring 2025

Diana Rueda

zoom session icon | Zoom link


Strategies to Convert an 18-week in-person class to 16-week class

Melissa Patterson

session 1| Room 1607

A Faculty Focused Dialogue on Dual Enrollment

Sergio Saenz

session 3| Room 504

Biology Work Group

Megan Jensen

session 3| Room 3201





Fun Student Engagement Strategies

Linette Escobar

session 4| Room 503

SOAR Day Training

Heather Oshiro

session 4| Room 505



AI for Newbies - You Are Not Alone

Jesus Preciado

session 5 | Room 502

Curriculum Development Working Session

Robert Cattolica

session 2 |Room 130 
Zoom link



Playlab Workshop Part 1

Michael Thompson

session 5 | Room 354 

Playlab Workshop Part 2

Michael Thompson

session 5 | Room 354



Breakout Sessions Schedule - Detailed

Recommended for: Everyone Faculty

in person session icon = In Person session     hyflex session icon = Hy-Flex session     zoom session icon = Zoom session

Breakout Sessions 1:  10:00 - 10:50

Salsa Dance Class

Mariella Morales

session 1 | Room 2930 (bldg. 2900 is located next to the pool)|
Back to schedule at-a-glance


Description: Basic Salsa Partner Dance Class for us to enjoy ourselves and be in community

Brief Outline: n/a

Friends of Chabot College foundation

Yvonne Wu Craig

session 2 | Room 505| Back


Description: Have you ever asked yourself, "what does the foundation do?" Come to the workshop and find out how to work with the foundation to support your students' and program's needs. While people know us for scholarships, there are other things the foundation can help you with. Bring your questions and ideas!

Brief Outline: 
1) Difference between the college and foundation; 2) Discuss the major foundation programs: fundraising (gala, managed funds, payroll deduction, etc.), scholarships, support for student basic needs; 3) Review our website and the common processes (e.g., how to deposit funds, request disbursement of funds, setting up scholarships, etc.); 4) Q&A session

A Faculty Focused Dialogue on Dual Enrollment

Sergio Saenz, Sheila Warbasse, Laurencia Walker

session 3| Room 504| Back

Description: Dual enrollment enables us to serve a larger segment of our community. It helps us uphold the open access mission of community colleges and more specifically, the pivotal role that Chabot plays in providing onramps to college and career. This session will help provide statewide and local framing of dual enrollment, including a review of ASCCC’s Memo on Equitable Dual Enrollment Expansion as well as the benefits and resources available to improve dual enrollment teaching and learning. We will also share the current state of dual enrollment at Chabot and opportunities to expand your program of study to the community via local school districts. This session will also include faculty perspectives and create a space for faculty to ask questions and learn next steps on how faculty can contribute to improving college access and success for more of our community members.

Brief Outline: 
Welcome and Introductions (5mins)
Opening Activity (5mins)
Setting the stage-ASCCC and Equitable Dual Enrollment (10mins)
The State of Dual Enrollment at Chabot (10mins)
Faculty perspectives on Dual Enrollment at Chabot (15mins)
One faculty who has taught dual enrollment
One faculty to speak to possibilities of what they would like to see to build out their program to the high school community)
Closing Activity (5mins)
Closing Comments (5mins)

Fun Student Engagement Strategies

Linette Escobar

session 4| Room 503| Back

Description: Come play games with the goal of engaging students, checking for understanding and building community. In this session veteran ESL teacher Linette Escobar will share activities she uses to build a dynamic student-centered classroom. You will come away with both low tech and high tech options for checking for understanding and including all students. Please bring your favorite activities to share and prepare to have fun yourself.

Brief Outline: 
Objectives: Faculty will leave with at least 3 student engagement strategies to use in the classroom
10 minutes-demonstration of a community building activity to do the first week of school
10 minutes - Faculty sharing their own community building practices
10 minutes- Faculty experience Quizziz: online game that can quickly build a fun formative or summative assessment
10 minutes- Student-centered activity to elicit good paraphrasing to students
10 minutes-Bamboozle or Sentence Auction Another tool for summative assessments or review for tests

Artificial Intelligence for Newbies - You are not alone

Jesus Preciado

session 5 | Room 502| Back

Description: The session is based on one of the sessions from the Academic Academy hosted by the CCC in San Diego. The learning objective is to familiarize some faculty of what is Artificial Intelligence, Highlight some assembly bills, and some best practices to gain AI literacy

Brief Outline: 
The session is based on one of the sessions from the Academic Academy hosted by the CCC in San Diego. The learning objective is to familiarize some faculty of what is Artificial Intelligence, Highlight some assembly bills, and some best practices to gain AI literacy. Session would include the following:

I. Discussion to understand what the audience knows
II. Introduce some assembly bills including what some higher education institutions are currently doing.
III. Identify some best practices presented at the conference to gain AI literacy.

Playlab Workshop: Create an AI Bot - Part 1

Michael Thompson, Caren Parrish, Landon Smith, Adam Hathaway

session 1 
| Room 354| Back

Description: Note: This is Part 1 of a 2-part workshop.
Playlab AI is a free AI platform and community of practice that enables users to create AI chatbots that can potentially help tutor students, can help faculty brainstorm about their assignments, and to help classified professionals and administrators streamline their work. Come play around with the technology and demystify the daunting feeling around how to utilize AI in your working space. Come join us so that you can see, learn, and get help building your new work, teaching, and/or administrative assistant tool.

Brief Outline: 
Demonstration of Playlab AI and Participant Creation of AI Chatbots to help faculty, classified professionals and administrators with their work and teaching.


Breakout Sessions 2:  11:00 - 11:50

Labubu Lessons

Angie Muñoz

session 1 | Room 503| Back

Description: Just like Beanie Babies, Tickle Me Elmo, or the Lisa Frank craze, Labubus are highly sought after and hard to come by - much like students who seem to slip through the cracks of outreach efforts. This engaging and informative workshop draws a humorous yet insightful connection between the scarcity of the legendary Labubus and the challenges of effective outreach. Just as acquiring a Labubu requires the right approach, engaging students demands strategy, creativity, and persistence. Participants will explore common outreach myths, identify barriers that prevent students from connecting with resources, and develop innovative strategies to improve engagement. By the end of the session, attendees will leave with practical tools to enhance their outreach efforts and a fresh perspective on student engagement.

Brief Outline: - Introduction: What are Labubus and what do they have in common with Outreach?
- Discussion: Explore common outreach myths and student engagement barriers.
- Outreach Strategies: Learn techniques to add to your outreach toolkit.
- Closing Thoughts

UndocuAlly Spring 2025

Diana Rueda, Katie Messina, Erica Sanchez

zoom session iconZoom Link | Back

Description: Session designed to help educator allies build a shared set of tools, knowledge, and resources so they can best support undocumented students.

Brief Outline: 
Session designed to help educator allies build a shared set of tools, knowledge, and resources so they can best support undocumented students.

Biology Work Group

Megan Jensen

session 3| Room 3201| Back

Description: Vertical Alignment and Benchmark Assessments: We will be finalizing the rubrics developed and check in on implementation progress.

Brief Outline: 
We will share out the progress made on rubric development and assessment of students and work to ensure the rubrics articulate between classes in a course sequence. If time allows, we will be looking ahead to how to support implementation across all sections.

SOAR Day Training

Heather Oshiro

session 4| Room 505| Back

Description: This session will provide training on how to help new students to access their MyPortal, Zonemail and register for classes. If you are already signed up to help on SOAR Day, or considering doing so, this workshop will help provide the training you need to help new, first time students get ready for Summer/Fall 2025!. 

Brief Outline: 
Overview of SOAR Day
How to help new students:
Log into their MyPortal
Log into Zonemail
Use DegreeWorks to check their major and see the courses needed for their chosen degree or certificate
What to do if their major is incorrect?
Sign up to work SOAR Day if you haven't yet

Curriculum Development Working Session

Robert Cattolica, Jessica Vile, Kay Fisher, Mark Anderson, Shannon Stanley

session 2 | Room 130| Zoom link | Back

Description: The Curriculum Committee wants to you empower you to develop and update your course outlines and programs. Select committee members will be there to answer any questions, help you access META, and support your curriculum work. The 5-year update list has been published (http:// www.chabotcollege.edu/curriculum/quinquennial-review.php). Are your courses up to date?

Brief Outline: 
Faculty will work on their curriculum updates in a collaborative setting, with access to faculty who are experienced with the state requirements as well as the new curriculum management software interface.

Playlab Workshop: Create an AI Bot - Part 2

Michael Thompson, Caren Parrish, Landon Smith, Adam Hathaway

session 4 | Room 354| Back

Description: Note: This is Part 2 of a 2-part workshop.
Playlab AI is a free AI platform and community of practice that enables users to create AI chatbots that can potentially help tutor students, can help faculty brainstorm about their assignments, and to help classified professionals and administrators streamline their work. Come play around with the technology and demystify the daunting feeling around how to utilize AI in your working space. Come join us so that you can see, learn, and get help building your new work, teaching, and/or administrative assistant tool.

Brief Outline: 
Demonstration of Playlab AI and Participant Creation of AI Chatbots to help faculty, classified professionals and administrators with their work and teaching.


Breakout Sessions 3:  1:00 - 1:50

Compressed Calendar / Winter Intersession 
Divison Meetings

session 1 | Room(s) TBD| Back

Description: Divisions will meet to conduct discussions involving the Compressed Calendar & Winter Intersession. Please stay tuned for further details.

If you are unsure where to go, please see your Dean or Manager, thank you


Breakout Sessions 4:  2:00 - 4:00

If you are unsure where to go, please see your Dean or Manager, thank you

STEM Coordinators Compressed Calendar Scheduling

Shannon Lee

session 1 | Room 1803| Back

Description: STEM Discipline coordinators collaborating to prepare our schedules for the compressed calendar changes in Fall 2026

Brief Outline:
The upcoming compressed calendar changes to our STEM disciplines will require collaboration to create schedules for students that are desirable and efficient for their goals. We will use whatever information is available from administration on the day to start strategizing our schedule needs. If no compressed calendar information has been presented, we will brainstorm the opportunities and pitfalls that await.

Strategies to Convert an 18-week in-person class to 16-week class

Melissa Patterson

session 2 | Room 1607| Back

Description: Review some of the strategies of adapting an 18-week course to the new condensed format. Experience at Ohlone College and different in-person course length at Chabot has introduced me to converting to a 16-week semester. Prepare for slightly longer class over a shorter semester. You do have options!