BSTEM Sequences
- The sequence leading to Engineering Calculus (MTH 1) is MTH 21-22-1. These three courses total 15 units.
- MTH 1 is more rigorous than Business Calculus (MTH 15). Taking MTH 1 keeps your options open for prestigious programs.
- MTH 1 is required by Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, and many areas of Biology majors.
- MTH 1 requires trigonometry.
- The sequence leading to Business Calculus (MTH 15) is MTH 21-15. These two courses total 10 units.
- MTH 15 is accepted by many but not all business and biological science program.
- MTH 15 is not accepted by Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics programs because it does not require trigonometry..
- If the Math Course Selection process does not place you into Trigonometry (MTH 22) or Calculus (MTH 1 or 15), you can also self-assess into them if you feel prepared after having taken Precalculus in high school or similar course in college.
- If you have completed high school precalculus or higher with grade C or higher but are not ready for Calculus, you may wish to accelerate your progress with a Fast Track option.