Noncredit Certificate Programs
Certificate of Completion
Short-term vocational programs with high employment potential and career development.
- ASE Test Preparation
- ASE Under Car Test Preparation
- Automotive Chassis Technology
- Automotive Electrical and Body Electronics Technology
- Automotive Engine Performance
- Automotive Powertrain Technology
- Automotive Technology
- Careers in Education
- Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicles
- Industrial Electronic Technology
- Introduction to Infant/Toddler Care
- Technology-Based Automotive Systems
Certificate of Competency
Programs providing students an opportunity for career advancement or transition, or prepare for future academic studies.
- ESL Composition
- High Beginning Writing Skills
- Intermediate ESL
- Intermediate ESL Oral Communication
- Intermediate ESL Reading and Writing
- Low-Intermediate ESL
- Non-credit Preparation for English Composition
- Prealgebra
- Preparation for Academic ESL
- Preparation for BSTEM Math
- Preparation for Statistics and Liberal Arts Math
- Preparation for STEM Chemistry
Federal Gainful Employment Disclosure for Certificate Programs