Kinesiology Courses
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with counseling or refer to the current Class Schedule and College Catalog.
KINE BBDT - Theory and Technique of Defensive Baseball
( 2.00 - Units )
Students will learn how to improve and perform advanced sport-specific and skill specific fundamentals, training and conditioning for intercollegiate competition. Training will include, but not be limited to, defensive baseball specific fundamentals and skills, techniques and sport specific conditioning/training; i.e., fielding, throwing, infield and outfield play, pitching, catching. This is a course for pre-season Intercollegiate Baseball. The student will have the opportunity to develop through a training program designed for baseball at the intercollegiate level. An extensive baseball background and previous experience is needed for success in this class.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate ability to teach specific techniques
- Articulate appropriate sport specific theories
- Understanding of sport specific related mental aspects
KINE ASSE - Physical Fitness Assessments
( 1.00 - Units )
Students will learn how to perform Physical Fitness Assessments on body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. Upon assessing fitness status students will develop an exercise prescription to maintain or improve their physical fitness level. May not receive credit if Physical Education 6 has been completed.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- explain determinants of behavior as they relate to healthy behavior
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
KINE DMP - Prevention of Type II Diabetes through Nutrition and Exercise
( 2.00 - Units )
Designed to lower the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and adult type II diabetes in young adults. This course will include both lecture and exercise activities aimed at lowering body fat, elevated blood pressure and elevated blood sugar levels.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- discuss the origins and dangers of hypertension and pre-diabetes;
- recognize the symptoms of hypertension and pre-diabetes;
- recognize foods that rapidly raise blood sugar levels
KINE PDBB - Principles of Defensive Baseball
( 2.00 - Units )
Defensive theory and principles as related to baseball. This course will include defensive baseball fundamentals, techniques and sport specific conditioning/training; i.e., fielding, throwing, infield and outfield play, pitching, catching.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- 1. Demonstrate ability to teach specific Defensive baseball techniques
- 2. Articulate appropriate sport specific theories & principles pertaining to defensive baseball
- 3. Understanding of sport specific related mental aspects pertaining to defensive baseball
KINE CSA - College Success for Athletes
( 1.00 - Units )
Aiding the student-athlete in developing realistic expectations of college, explore academic programs, and understand what is necessary to succeed in college while competing in an intercollegiate sport. Rules and regulations of the Commission on Athletics (COA), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) will be defined. Eligibility and transferring to a four-year institution will be explored.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate effective strategies for communication when working with people
KINE BBOT - Theory and Technique of Offensive Baseball
( 2.00 - Units )
Designed to teach advanced fundamentals of hitting and the offensive side of baseball. Training will include, but not be limited to, offensive baseball specific fundamentals and skills, techniques and sport specific conditioning/training; i.e., hitting, base running and the short game.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- 1. Demonstrate ability to teach specific techniques
- 2. Articulate appropriate sport specific theories
- 3. Understanding of sport specific related mental aspects
KINE POBB - Principles of Offensive Baseball
( 2.00 - Units )
Designed to present theory and principles of offensive baseball. When to play long ball, when to play the short game are just a few of the concepts to be covered. Instruction will include, but not be limited to, offensive baseball specific fundamentals and skills, techniques and sport specific conditioning/training; i.e., hitting, base running and the short game.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- 1. Demonstrate ability to teach specific techniques related to offensive baseball
- 2. Ability to articulate appropriate sport specific offensive baseball theories
- 3. Understanding of sport specific related mental aspects related to offensive baseball
KINE OPE - Orientation to Physical Education Activity Classes
( 0.50 - Units )
Designed to cover the basic concepts in training, safety and the rules for using the Chabot Fitness Center facility. Nutrition and training concepts to aid in the prevention of adult type II diabetes will be presented.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
KINE 1 - Introduction to Kinesiology & Physical Education
( 3.00 - Units )
The study of human movement from a social science, life science and humanities perspective. Topics will include sports history, biomechanics, exercise physiology, skill learning, psychological and social factors involved in kinesiology and physical education. Career opportunities within the field of kinesiology, physical education and dance will be explored.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- differentiate among the subdisciplines of kinesiology (e.g. history, biomechanics, philosophy, etc.) and discuss the knowledge we have gained from the research in those areas;
- describe and explain the scholarly study of human movement and its significance to physical activity;
- demonstrate the ability to evaluate a kinesiological activity through observation
KINE 2 - Introduction to Athletic Training
( 4.00 - Units )
This athletic training class is designed to introduce the student to the field of athletic training. The overall goal is to give the students a basic understanding of injury prevention, recognition, management and rehabilitation. We will also observe and discuss the sports medicine team, emergency procedures and job opportunities. Besides learning from online presentations and video presentations, the student will be expected to participate in various lab activities that relate to the subject.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- describe the various injury types
- identify appropriate athletic injury treatments
- devise injury prevention measures
KINE 3 - Introduction to Principles of Coaching Sports: Beyond the Basics
( 3.00 - Units )
Coaching beyond the basics: ethics, physical training theories and management principles. Research into successful leadership principles, skills and philosophies. Coaching effectiveness and team building dynamics. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to take the California and National High School Coaching certification examination.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems.
- Demonstrate improved fitness, and overall wellness, by participating in a consistent training program.
KINE 3BB - Introduction to the Principles of Coaching Baseball
( 2.00 - Units )
Theory, principles, training concepts and ethics of coaching with emphasis on the fundamentals and techniques of coaching the sport of baseball. (Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in PEAC 27.)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate the legal responsibilities of the coach
- demonstrate understanding of the appropriate code of conduct for coaches
- identify and alter potential injury situations
KINE 3BK - Introduction to the Principles of Coaching Basketball
( 2.00 - Units )
Theory, principles , training concepts, strategies and the ethics of coaching the sport of basketball.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate the physiological reasons for a proper warmup.
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems.
- Demonstrate improved fitness, and overall wellness, by actively participating in a consistent training program.
KINE 3SF - Introduction to Coaching Softball
( 2.00 - Units )
Designed to teach the basics of coaching Softball. Individual skill development, along with team development and dynamics, will be thoroughly covered.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
KINE 3TK - Introduction to Coaching Track and Field
( 2.00 - Units )
Designed to teach the basics of coaching track and field. Methods, drills and skill development of all the events in track will be covered.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems
KINE 3FT - Introduction to Coaching Football
( 2.00 - Units )
This course is designed to teach the basics of coaching football. Basic offensive and defensive drills and teamwork will be taught. Individual position skills and development will be introduced along with team training and structure.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
KINE 3SO - Introduction to Coaching Soccer
( 2.00 - Units )
Designed to teach the basics of coaching Soccer. Individual skill development, along with team development and dynamics, will be thoroughly covered.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- identify and alter potential injury situations
- Demonstrate the appropriate code of conduct for coaches
KINE 4 - Introduction to Sports Management
( 3.00 - Units )
Introduction into the field of sports management. Career opportunities, human resource management, leadership, strategic planning, teamwork, ethics and values, marketing and advertising, finance, managing facilities, sports and the law, economics of sport and community impact.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate effective strategies for communication when working with people
- demonstrate effective event planning
- demonstrate effective event management
KINE 5 - Introduction to the Components of Physical Fitness - the Human Body
( 3.00 - Units )
The impact of physical activity, nutrition and dietary principles upon the body. Basic exercise physiology, anatomy, kinesiology, exercise testing, body mechanics and body composition testing.
(May not receive credit if Physical Education 28 has been completed.)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate effective strategies for communication when working with people
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
- Demonstrate improved fitness, and overall wellness, by participating in a consistent training program
KINE 6 - Performance Enhancement thru Mental Training
( 3.00 - Units )
The study and development of the concepts and theories associated with maximizing performance, from the perspective of sport as well as life, emphasizing the mental skills and strategies for stress control, visualization, goal setting and concentration. (May not receive credit if Physical Education 15 has been completed.)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Understand the concepts that lead to peak performance.
- Understand concepts of sport psychology.
- Demonstrate ability to apply concepts of sport psychology as they relate to peak performance.
KINE 8 - Introduction to Sport in Contemporary Society
( 3.00 - Units )
An introduction into the phenomenon of sport in society, including cultural stratification, race, gender, education, economics, politics and the mass media.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- 1. Assess the influence of sport in their lives.
- 2. Demonstrate and discuss Title IX and its’ influence in Society
- 3. Demonstrate and discuss the influence of politics on sports.
KINE 10 - Nutrition for Fitness and Fat Loss
( 3.00 - Units )
Study the role that nutrition and activity play in developing fitness and lowering body fat. Major concepts of fitness and nutrition will be presented along with training utilizing a heart rate monitor. Students will learn to assess current fitness levels and design a personal fitness and nutritional plan. (May not receive credit if Physical Education 57 has been completed.)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- recognize foods that rapidly raise blood sugar levels
- demonstrate an understanding of hypertension and its effects on the body
- explain how exercise increases insulin sensitivity
KINE 11 - Nutrition For Sports And Human Performance
( 3.00 - Units )
An investigation into the role nutrition plays in sports and human achievement. Determination of optimum hydration and nutrient intake in relation to activity. (May not receive credit if Physical Education 58 has been completed.)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- describe the dominant energy system functioning in an athletic event and the energy source;
- identify when and what nutrients to eat before, during and after exercise;
- describe the food pyramid and its ability to meet athletic needs;
KINE 12BB - Introduction to Baseball Officiating
( 2.00 - Units )
This course will introduce the student to the basic rules and mechanics of officiating baseball. Students will learn the rules and basics of becoming a baseball umpire.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- 1. Understanding & comprehensive knowledge of rules pertaining to NCAA DIV 1 & California Community College Baseball
- Appropriate positioning to officiate a baseball game
- Appropriate technique and signals related to baseball officiating
KINE 12FT - Introduction to Football Officiating
( 2.00 - Units )
This course is designed to teach the Fundamentals of Football Officiating, National Federation Rules, Responsibilities, On the Field Mechanics & Concepts of Officiating high school football.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems
- demonstrate the hand signals to officiate a football game
KINE 12BK - Introduction to Basketball Officiating
( 2.00 - Units )
Designed to teach the Fundamentals of Basketball Officiating, National Federation and NCAA Rules, Responsibilities, Court Mechanics & Concepts of Officiating with Two Person and Three Person Techniques.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems
KINE 12TK - Introduction to Track & Field Officiating
( 2.00 - Units )
This course will introduce the student to the basics of hosting and officiating a track and field competition.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Explain necessary staff needed to host a Track and Field Meet
- discuss how to officiate field events
- discuss how to communicate with competitors in a high stress environment.
KINE 14 - Introduction to Health and Fitness For Your Disability
( 3.00 - Units )
Application of current health teachings to individuals and life. Physiological, psychological, and social perspectives of health. Emphasis on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that will contribute to a healthy individual. May not receive credit if Physical Education 18 has been completed.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- identify the behaviors and attitudes needed to obtain optimal physical and psychological health;
- describe how to become an informed health care advocate and consumer;
- demonstrate the ability to navigate the Internet-based health sites;
KINE 15 - Introduction to Personal Fitness Training
( 3.00 - Units )
Includes the areas of physical activity and health, fitness evaluation, exercise prescription, exercise for special populations, exercise programming and the fundamentals of functional anatomy and exercise physiology as they pertain to personal training. Upon successful completion of the course students will be eligible for the National Certification Board Exam to attain certification in Personal Training through the American Council on Exercise.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- assess and suggest a proper aerobic training program based on the individual's present health and fitness.
- assess and suggest a proper resistance training program based on the individual's present strength and fitness level.
- develop a flexibility program based on the individual's current range of motion.
KINE 16 - Theory & Technique of Offensive Football
( 2.00 - Units )
Analysis and examination of various approaches to offensive intercollegiate football. Includes all aspects of offensive football; punt return, point after touchdown and field goal kicking. May not receive credit if Physical Education 25 has been completed.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students are grasping and understanding the important factors of how to have create a running offense. Students prepare and maintain appropriate aspects and routines through meeting time to provide for the foundation of an effective run offense.
- Students are grasping and understanding the important factors of how to have create a passing offense. Students prepare and maintain appropriate aspects and routines through meeting time to provide for the foundation of an effective pass offense.
- The students were able to demonstrate they understood how to come up with strategies for offensive football game plans. Students who actively participate in the class develop fundamental knowledge of strategizing offensive game plans.
KINE 17 - Theory & Technique of Defensive Football
( 2.00 - Units )
Analysis and examination of various approaches to defensive intercollegiate football. Includes all aspects of defensive football; kick off, punt rush, punt return and P.A.T./FG rush. May not receive credit if Physical Education 27 has been completed.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Students are grasping and understanding the important factors of how to create a run stop defense. Students prepare and maintain appropriate aspects and routines through meeting time to provide for the foundation of an effective run stop defense.
- Students are grasping and understanding the important factors of how to have create a pass defense. Students prepare and maintain appropriate aspects and routines through meeting time to provide for the foundation of an effective pass defense.
- Students who actively participate in the class develop fundamental knowledge of strategizing defensive game plans. The students were able to demonstrate they understood how to come up with strategies for defensive football game plans.
KINE 18 - Introduction to CPR and First Aid for Coaches
( 2.00 - Units )
Survey of non-emergency procedures and techniques used in the field including basic life support CPR and first aid designed to teach lifesaving skills to be used in an athletic setting.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Work within a group, or team, to solve problems
- Demonstrate and explain the physiological reasons for performing a proper warm up.
KINE 19 - Fit for Duty: Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement
( 3.00 - Units )
Physical fitness, health and wellness are examined from a global and occupational perspective. Psychosocial, environmental and physiological aspects are delivered in an interactive format. Emphasis on formulation, maintenance, and development of a broad base of information, with focus on occupational readiness and lifetime fitness. Designed for individuals who are currently employed in law enforcement or who intend to enter the field. May not receive credit if PHED 65 has been completed.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Complete appropriate law enforcement specific physical assessments, interpret results, develop a personal fitness program considering functional/occupational needs and long term health concerns and track progress.
- Complete a Food Diary with nutritional analysis then plan a sound menu based on personal goals and occupational needs.
- Identify risks and prevention strategies specific to the law enforcement officer for Heart Disease, Diabetes 2 and the Metabolic Syndrome.
KINE 22 - Introduction to Health Coaching
( 3.00 - Units )
In combination with the American Council on Exercise this course is designed to give the student the most current, complete picture of instructional techniques and professional responsibilities that ACE certified Health Coaches need to teach their clients. Upon successful completion of this course the student can elect to take the certification exam through the American Council on Exercise.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- explain determinants of behavior as they relate to healthy behavior
- demonstrate effective strategies for communication when working with people
- assess and analyze a diet based on caloric and nutritional needs
KINE 23 - Techniques of Strength Training Instruction
( 3.00 - Units )
This course covers how to teach a variety of strength and resistance training activities. It studies strength training sequences, theories on the development of strength, periodization, equipment, safety factors and anatomy and physiology as they apply to strength training and development.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- demonstrate safe and proper progressions in strength training
- demonstrate a basic understanding of the effects of strength training on the hormonal systems of the body
- demonstrate and teach proper spotting techniques while strength training
KINE 24 - Health and Fitness for the Fire Service
( 3.00 - Units )
Health, wellness and physical fitness are examined from a global and occupational viewpoint. Emphasis on the Seven Dimensions of Wellness from a Fire Service perspective. An introduction to concepts of lifetime fitness and wellness with an emphasis on physical fitness and lifestyle choices.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- . Considering the Five Components of Fitness, complete appropriate Fire Service-specific physical assessments; develop a personal fitness plan considering functional/occupational needs and long term health concerns and track progress.
- Referencing the Seven Dimensions of Wellness, formulate and update a scientifically supported collection of information including prevention of cardiovascular disease, mental health issues, substance abuse, environmental/exposure concerns, and interpersonal relationships, that may be used to develop strategies for meeting personal and/or professional health and wellness needs, interests and goals.
- Referencing online nutritional websites complete a Food Diary with nutritional analysis, then plan a nutritionally sound menu on a daily basis, considering personal and/or occupational needs and goals. Consider the impacts of shift work and high intensity work and recovery.
KINE 70 - History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity
( 3.00 - Units )
History and philosophy of sport and physical activity from antiquity to today. Special consideration is given to the development of sport and physical activity (physical education) in North America, with a particular examination of factors affecting their growth, development, and evolution in our contemporary landscape. Factors include social, economic, and cultural concepts, and the significance of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and social class of sport and physical activity will be addressed.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
- Identify and describe the history of sport and physical activity from antiquity to today.
- Identify and relate the philosophical, physiological, psychological, sociological, political, and economic concepts for sport and physical activity.
- Categorize and compare the issues, challenges, and future of sport and physical activity.
- Explain the significance of events in the history of human performance and identify their influence in our current era.
- Display understanding of and insight into the customs and mores of various countries, including the effect they have had on the development, creation, and cultural sustainability of sport and physical activity.
- Demonstrate how to research and to prepare a written term paper on a topic in sport and physical activity.