
Terri Taylor
Counselor / Adjunct Faculty
Terri Taylor, M.S.
Counselor-Instructor, Chabot College. Supporting Chabot students since 2008.
Areas of Expertise: General Counseling, Career and Major Exploration, At- Risk Students (First Generation College, Probationary, Dismissal), CalWORKs, ESL, EOPS, TRIO/SSP, PSCN counseling classes, assessment, orientation, outplacement, WIA.
For Counseling assistance and to schedule appointments: http://www.chabotcollege.edu/counseling
FAQs for Online Learning: https://www.chabotcollege.edu/online/support.php

Terri Taylor
Counselor / Adjunct Faculty
Terri Taylor, M.S.
Counselor-Instructor, Chabot College. Supporting Chabot students since 2008.
Areas of Expertise: General Counseling, Career and Major Exploration, At- Risk Students (First Generation College, Probationary, Dismissal), CalWORKs, ESL, EOPS, TRIO/SSP, PSCN counseling classes, assessment, orientation, outplacement, WIA.
For Counseling assistance and to schedule appointments: http://www.chabotcollege.edu/counseling
FAQs for Online Learning: https://www.chabotcollege.edu/online/support.php