Transfer Story Jerrod Bolden
AS-T Mathematics | Mechanical Enginerging, San Jose State University

What's Your Chabot Story?
I came to chabot right after high school and I did to save money and ease myself into college not fully knowing what I wanted to do.
How did Chabot influence your life and career?
It gave me the opportunity to learn more about myself and the way that I learn, the way I study, and gave me the opportunity to grow and learn things at my pace to prepare myself for the next level.
Why should anyone transfer?
It gives you a chance to figure things out if you don't have all you ducks in a row, and it lets you do that in a way that won't break the bank.
Shout Outs and/or Words of Wisdom?
I know its hard but remember FAILURE is a learning tool treat it like that and you succeed in everything you do, because it will make you stronger and give you wiser moves to make.
May 2020