World Languages Drop-In Tutoring

World Languages Drop-in Tutoring

  • No appointment necessary.
  • Drop in with a quick question or meet with a peer tutor for up to 20 minutes during the hours specified below:
  • Drop-in tutoring is available FREE to currently enrolled Chabot students.

How it works

  • Check the day and time that tutors are scheduled below. If there is a tutor currently scheduled, enter your Canvas course tile. Scroll down, and "Chabot Tutoring" will appear on the left hand side of the webpage. Click and choose the subject and then, sign into Accudemia to be placed in the waiting line.
  • Tutors will generally meet with you for up to 20 minutes. At the end of your drop-in tutoring session, you can get back in line for more help if needed.
  • PLEASE NOTE: we encourage you to come prepared before accessing drop-in tutoring. Please have your notes ready including anything you would like to upload for the tutor to view.
  • Watch this video to see how to meet with a drop-in tutor:


World Languages Drop-in Tutoring and Conversation Groups

There is no World Languages tutoring for this Summer. Please check later for Fall 2024 hours.

How Conversation Group works

Check the day and time the tutor is scheduled for the conversation group. If the tutor is currently scheduled, follow the directions above for joining a drop-in tutor or conversation group.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00 - 10:00    



10:00 - 11:00





11:00 - 12:00





12:00 - 1:00  




1:00 - 2:00      


2:00 - 3:00  




3:00 - 4:00  




4:00 - 5:00





5:00 - 6:00





6:00 - 7:00





7:00 - 8:00           

 *Last updated 5/28/2024