Award of Excellence in Architecture Studies
Ishti Patel

Ever since I was a kid, architecture has always been the path I wanted to take.
The interconnection between art, history, geometry, science, and society made me passionate
about helping, designing, and building. Being at Chabot helped reaffirm my decision,
build great friendships, and learn so much inside the studio and out.
I am incredibly thankful for Professor Huang, Professor Chu, & Professor K for all
their teachings about design, perspective, and life. I am also incredibly thankful
for the friends I made in studio and for their advice, encouragement, and constant
support. I am also thankful for a lot of the Chabot staff - Victoria, Christian, and
Professor Hertz - for always being there, for watching over us, and keeping our studio
open. Lastly, I’m thankful for my family for their constant support and encouragement.
I’m thankful for it all!
Stay curious to stay passionate :)
Erick Ventura

I always looked up to my dad and how he was able to build things out of a couple of
pieces of wood, metal or whatever was lying around.
As I got older I wanted to have that same skill but on a larger scale. While helping
him with work, we ran into an architect on a small project. I spoke with him and he
explained how architects can change your surroundings and inspire through what you
build. But what had caught most my attention was that architects build these massive
buildings out of nothing. I was inspired and pursed that career.
Now Transferring and at a higher level in architecture I can really appreciate what’s
around me and how I can use my tools to shape how others feel. What I design will
be built and help others!
Communication Studies Award
Lauren Aycott

When I made the decision to go back to school I had alot of moving pieces in my life.
As an older student, I had concerns surrounding the classroom atmosphere and overall
experience of taking on that role again. I decided to enroll in COMM 1 because it
was a requirement and had no idea what to expect. Public speaking was never something
I felt that I was good at, but with practice I learned the potential of how powerful
and persuasive it could be. Dr. DeVere, along with my subsequent COMM professors have
taught me valuable skills that will stay with me throughout my educational journey
and career.
I am grateful to be involved in this major and with a department of dedicated, empathetic,
and powerful communicators. Having the opportunity to tutor students is a privilege
that I won't forget. Being able to interact with students about something that many
people fear has been an eye-opening experience. Thank you to all COMM staff that I've
been able to engage with, and learn from. This recognition means alot.
John Williams Scholarship in Photography
Naomi Manuel

Almost ten years ago, I started digital photography. It was just a hobby then; a nice
way for me to capture very special moments with friends and family.
This hobby slowly blossomed into more than that; it became a passion, but I didn't
know how to make it grow. It wasn't until three years ago when I finally mustered
up the courage and desire to go to school to learn the history, jargon and new techniques
in Photography. There was so much I didn't know!
Now, nearing completion of my degree, I am confident and certain that this is my calling.
Not many people can say they have something that gives them energy and life - I've
been told that I can be quiet at times, but I've learned over the years that photography
is like my own way of communicating to people. I can tell my story through my eyes
(lens). I will never forget my time at Chabot. I've met great professors and made
lifelong friendships. Thanks for everything!
Outstanding Music Student Award & Scholarship
Christian Gerardo

As a young child, I was raised around musicians. My family were musicians at our church
and I was always astonished on how they played. From there, I knew I wanted to be
a musician.
It became a passion for me very quickly, and I started playing the drums at the age
of 4. The drummer at our church would play beats and rhythmical patterns and I was
able to play it exactly as he did. As I got into the 5th grade, the elementary school
I went to had a band, but no percussion. From there, I saw Trumpet as the next “manly”
instrument. So I started on the Trumpet. It was not an instrument I really enjoyed,
but at least I was able to play music. Going into 6th grade, the middle school I went
to had a percussion section. I was quick to choose that section. I enjoyed every minute
of it. During this time, I befriended a flute player. She became such an inspiration
on me and I was getting drawn to the flute. I told me mother that I wanted to learn
the flute. She had a friend that owned a flute and her friend let me practice on it.
I then went online to look up a fingering chart and I could instantly play music on
the flute. The next year, in the 7th grade, I was in Honor Band and was able to play
the flute. About a few months in, our teacher needed an oboist. I was quick to volunteer
as I felt excited to learn a new instrument. As I surprised myself and my teacher,
I picked it up fast and could play it as if I had previous years of experience. After,
I then moved on to high school where I joined the marching band, winter percussion,
concert band, and jazz band. With all of my K-12 schooling, I was able to learn and/or
master the Trumpet, Percussion, Flute, Piccolo, Oboe, Clarinet, and the Alto and Tenor
Today I am still active in music. I currently attend Chabot College as a Flute Performance
Major, under the study of Beverly Johnson. I perform in the Chabot Wind Symphony as
a Flutist and Percussionist, the Chabot Flute Choir, and the Castro Valley Orchestra
as Flutist. I’ve also been a part of the Chabot Wind Ensemble as a Flutist, the Chabot
Percussion Ensemble, the Chabot Contemporary Music Ensemble, the Tri City Percussion,
and the Oasis Big Band as a Saxophonist. I am teacher for Flute, I am a percussion
instructor for Arroyo High School (my Alma Mater) and the Castro Valley High School
Marching Band. I am also a composer/arranger with the SMP Press publishing. With all
of this, I want to say thank you to all of my music teachers: Diane Rook, Pamela Fobert,
Mary West, Vernon Miyata, Arlene Miyata, Beverly Johnson, Tim Harris, Victoria Lington,
Arthur Storch, Chris Cyr, and Connor Carroll. For without them, I would not be the
musician I am today.
Additional Awards
We are also celebratinng the following students. Please check back to read their
Award of Excellence in Architecture Studies
Lauren Enriquez
Award of Excellence in Art & Hayward Arts Council Scholarship
Juan Barboza
"Congratulations to Juan Barboza as this years recipient of the Hayward Arts Council
Annual Award for Excellence in Art! Juan has demonstrated collegiality, enthusiasm
and dedication to his studio art classes making him a valuable member of the Chabot
Art community." - Cynthia Horn, Art Faculty
Communciation Lab Award
Laura Cabanas
Excellence in Theater Arts
Elaina Medeiros
Forensics Award
Aaron Ram
Outstanding Student Assistant Award
Raven Riojas