2015 ISER Committees and Standards
Standard I: Institutional Mission & Effectiveness
1. Mission
2. Improving Institutional EffectivenessCo-Chairs: William Hanson (F) x2614 and Tim Dave (A) x6881
Administrator: Tim Dave (A) x6881
Committee Members: Mary Ines (St), Dmitriy Kalyagin (F), Kathy Kelly (F), Cheryl Sannebeck (S), Karen Silva (S), and Clayton Thiel (F)
Standard II: Student Learning Programs & Services
1. Instructional Programs
Co-Chairs: Jan Novak (F) x6690 and Gene Groppetti (P) ggroppetti@chabotcollege.edu
Administrators: Tom Clark (A) & (Ret.) and Gene Groppetti (P)
Committee Members: Nancy Cheung (F), Julie Coan (F), Carlos Enriquez (F), Ken Grace (F), Chris Guttierez (St), Ruth Kearn (F), Wayne Pitcher (F), Catherine Powell (S), Mark Schaeffer (F), Terri Scheid (F), Cynthia Stubblebine (F), Janice Tanemura (F), Connie Telles (F), Michael Thompson (F), Felicia Tripp (F), Jane Vallely (F), and Minta Winsor (Consultant)2. Student Support Services
Co-Chairs: Sadie Ashraf (F) x7441 and Matthew Kritscher (A) x6744
Administrator: Matthew Kritscher (A) x6744
Committee Members: Noell Adams (S), Kathleen Allen (F), ValJean Dale (A) & (Interim), Michael D'Aloisio (F), Susan Ficus (S)Katrin Field (S), Philomena Franco (S), Sandra Genera (F), Deborah Laase (S), Paulette Lino (A), Kathryn Linzmeyer (A), Naoma Mize (F), Patricia Molina (F), Stacy Moore (S), Shirley Pejman (F), Dillon Pieters (St), Becky Plaza (F), Boris Polichuk (F), Bedilla Ramirez (S), Nathaniel Rice (S), Christine Santiago (F), Nakisha Thompson (St), Jeanne Wilson (A) & (Interim), and Stephanie Zappa (F)3. Library and Learning Support Services
Co-Chairs: Pedro Reynoso (F) x6767, Deonne Kunkel (F) x 2627, and Jane Wolford (F) x 6680
Administrator: Marcia Corcoran (A), x6805
Committee Members: Roland Belcher (S), Norman Buchwald (F), Debbi Buti (F), Homeira Foth (F), Heather Hernandez (S), Veronica Martinez (F), Rani Nijjar (F), Rachael Tupper-Eoff (S), and Alisa Yungerman (F)
Standard III: Resources
1. Human Resources
Chair: Donna Gibson (F) x6895 and David Betts (A) x5513
Administrator: David Betts (A) x5513
Committee Members: Vanessa Cormier (A), Wyman Fong (A), Mireille Giovanola (F), Doris Hanhan (F), Adrian Huang (F), K Metcalf (S), Don Plondke (F), Nancy Soto (A), and Yvonne Wu-Craig (A) & (Interim)2. Physical Resources
Co-Chairs: Scott Hildreth (F) x7468 and Dale Wagoner (A) x6626
Administrator: Dale Wagoner (A) x6626
Committee Members: Gregory Correa (S), Jeff Drouin (F), Bedilla Ramirez (S), and Michelle Sherry (F)3. Technology Resources
Co-Chairs: Paulette Lino (A) x2665 and Kathryn Linzmeyer (A) x6751
Administrators: Paulette Lino (A) x2665 and Kathryn Linzmeyer (A) x 6751
Committee Members: Kim Cao (S), Aldrian Estepa (F), Jeannine Methe (A), Wayne Phillips (F), Mike Sherburne (F), Lisa Ulibarri (S), Gordon Watt (S), and Minta Winsor (S)4. Financial Resources
Co-Chairs: Connie Willis (A) x6618 and Dave Fouquet (F) x6868
Administrator: Connie Willis (A) x6618
Committee Members: Agnello Braganza (F), Heather Hernandez (S), Judy Huntchinson (A), Rosie Mogle (S), Yvonne Vanni (S), and Barbara Yesnosky (A)
Standard IV: Leadership & Governance
1. Decision-Making Roles and Processes
2. Board and Administrative Operation ProcessesCo-Chairs: Jason Ames (F) x7438 and Sara Parker (F) x7683
Administrator: Carla Walter (A) x6669
Committee Members: Jerry Egusa (F), Luis Flores (St), Debra Kling (S), Kristin Land (F), Theresa Pedrosa (St), Nijel Quadri (St), and Steve Stevenson (S)Editor: Patricia Shannon (F)
Layout and Evidence Repository: Kaaren Krueg (S) x6627
Institutional Research: Dr. Carolyn Arnold (F)
Accreditation steering committee
Accreditation Liaison Officer: Dr. Stacy Thompson (A) x6626
Co-Chairs: Jim Matthews (F) x6778 and Dr. Stacy Thompson (A) x 6626
[A] Administrator
[F] Faculty
[P] Professional Expert
[S] Staff
[St] Student