"Sponsored Links" are sites that come from companies
that pay the search engine to have their sites appear when
certain terms are being searched. They are "paid
listings" and often should be seen more as advertisements.
Many search engines place such listings in an obvious way.
The listings are usually shaded or placed in a separate
category. Sometimes they are listed first and you have
to scroll down to find the regular listings. Sometimes
they are listed on the left, right, or bottom of the page.
Above is an example of a search results screen from Google.
The search entered was "health care coverage."
Sponsored Links appear both on the top and the right.
Not until the shade disappears, on the left, does the first
regular search result appear. For research purposes, the Library
recommends you avoid these "sponsored categories" and that
you go directly to the regular listings.
Unfortunately, some search tools like the Yahoo! search
engine will also place paid listings as regular search
engine listings. You will not be able to know if they
are paid to be there.