Special Message on Database Generated URL's

Sometimes you cannot bookmark a particular page that you are viewing.  This challenge occurs because the content that has been retrieved comes from a special program or database.  The URL listed in the URL window is not permanent--only temporary, created on the spot based on the command made.  Such URL's are usually readily recognized as they are very long.  Below is an example:


In these cases, you may have to return to the database and re-perform your search.  Fortunately, Library subscription databases have in their record what is called a "Persistent Link."  You can copy that persistent link and then paste it in your word processing document, in your bookmarks menu (you go to "manage bookmarks" then add a new entry) or add it to your bookmark manager account (such as De.licio.us). When you go to the "persistent link," it should work.  If you are off-campus, you still will get an authentication screen as discussed on the Get Into Databases Off Campus page.

Below is an example from EBSCOhost:

EBSCOhost persistent link example

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