Library Catalog

The Library Catalog

The Library Catalog identifies every item in Chabot Library and will point you to its location.   The Library Catalog includes books, eBooks, journals, magazines, newspapers, DVDs and online videos, music, government documents, and more. 



Chabot Library OneSearch OneSearch
OneSearch will search most of the Library's databases and also searches the Library Catalog.  In addition to above, you will find a great number of full-text articles.  If you want a more focused search to find articles, the Library recommends you search the Library's individual databases.   

Use the Library Catalog
  • to find out what books, etc. the library owns on your topic
  • to find where a specific item is located in the library 

Use OneSearch

  • to search around 80% of all of the content in the Library's databases and content at once 
  • Use the tabs to limit by certain publication type (Books, Articles, DVD's, etc.).  If you want to search a specific subject or discipline, the Library recommends you pursue an individual database, instead.