2024-2025 Elections
SSCC Elections 2024-2025
Your Voice, Your Power, Your Change
Elections Packets
- Anyone wishing to run for any position on the Student Senate of Chabot College must complete an Election Packet
- Election packets are available in paper format or online
- For downloadable paper packet click here
- To open online election packet click here
Election Timeline
- Friday, March 31st, 5:00pm- Elections Packets Due
- Sunday, April 27th to Friday May 2nd - Online voting via Chabot College Website
- Monday, May 12th- Confirmation of new senators
Elections will be open for:
- Executive Council
- President
- Vice President of Administration
- Vice President of Community Relations
- Vice President of Government Relations
- Inter-Club Council Chair
- Chabot Student Trustee
- At- Large Representative
- Up to 14 At-Large Representative Positions Available
- Coordinator Positions will be appointed by the incoming Executive Council.
- Coordinators must be elected as At-Large Representatives to be eligible for a coordinator postion.
- Available Coordinator Positions Are:
- Communications Coordinator
- Events Coordinator
- Finance Coordinator
- Legislative Coordinator
- Operations Coordinator
***Click here for full description of all position duties.***
Eligibility Requirements:
- Has completed at least five units of credit the previous semester at the college the student member would be representing in the District;
- Actively enrolled in at least five semester units of credit in the District;
- In good academic and disciplinary standing
- A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better; and,
- Maintains residence in California
Additional SSCC Election Resources
- SSCC Position Descriptions
- Definintion of Student Government - California Code of Regulations Title V