Curriculum Development


Curriculum starts with faculty who meet established minimum qualifications in their discipline(s). Faculty-driven curriculum is approved by the Curriculum Committee, a subcommittee of the Chabot Academic Senate, adhering to regulations and guidelines established by Title 5 and the Chancellor’s Office. Curriculum is developed, submitted, approved, and maintained in the Curricunet database and the Chancellor’s Office Curriculum Inventory (COCI).

When submitting curriculum, please keep in mind the following information:

  • The priority submission deadline for curriculum will usually land in mid-April of the prior year it is to be effective. (EX: Mid-April 2025 priority deadline is for Fall 2026 effective date).

  • Curriculum submitted after the priority deadline does not have the guarantee it will be approved in time for the effective fall term. However, the Curriculum Committee will always make it's best effort to review and move as much curriculum as possible, through the approval process.

  • For new or modified curriculum (courses/programs) to be published in the upcoming class schedule, catalog or catalog addendum,  it must be in "approved" status in Meta when the publication(s) are being drafted. THIS MEANS: the new or modified curriculum has been submitted and approved by the Curriculum Committee, Board of Trustees, the State Chancellor's Office in time for publication (with the exception of Certificate of Proficiencies, which do not need state approval)


Curriculum Processing Timeline
*Approximately 5min read


5-Year Curriculum Update Information

Contact Us

If you need assistance, contact:

Robert Cattolica
Curriculum Chair

George Arab
Tech Review Chair 

Jessica Vile
Curriculum & Scheduling Specialist 



Curriculum Deadline Flyer for Fall 2026

Curriculum Committee

Chabot College Resources

Resources for Creating Curriculum